How do you write? Five tips to make your writing more professional

how do you write

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Are you looking for an answer to “how do you write for your website, business blog, or other professional space”? If so, you’ve probably heard and seen a lot of advice, including “just be yourself and write as you speak”.

Have you listened to yourself lately? Is that the way you want to represent your business brand? If you’re like most people, your casual speech is a mixture of slang, contractions, abbreviations, and idioms that won’t represent your business well if it was put down on paper.

A better idea is to develop your own “business voice” that is authentic without being too casual and too loose with grammar rules.

How do you write? The importance of an authentic style

Your writing style can be an important part of your brand. You probably have magazines, websites, and blogs that you read because you like the way the author writes and frames her ideas. A distinctive style can support your brand and give your business more impact and authority.

An authentic style also makes your writing more persuasive and makes it easier for the reader to take you seriously. So, what makes a writing style authentic? First, you want to be honest and upfront with your reader. It helps if you can give first-hand examples to help illustrate your point.

For example, if you’re talking about how to fix something, share your experience–positive or negative–with the process. If you don’t have any personal experience to share about your subject, share another person’s experience. For example, you might use questions and concerns that readers of your blog have sent to you.

If you’re writing compelling content, your readers are going to grow to view you as a friend or trusted ally. That’s a positive for your business. According to Nielsen, 92 percent of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all other forms of advertising. If your readers consider you a friend, they are likely going to accept your buying recommendations.

Five tips to develop a professional writing style

Now that you understand how important it is to develop a professional, authentic writing style, how do you start writing professionally? We have a few tips to get you started…

1. Keep it simple and clear

The most important tip we can offer is to keep your writing on topic and concise. You know a lot about your topic, so it can be challenging not to spew out everything you think the reader ought to know in one 500-word blog post. However, you’re much more likely to grab the reader’s interest by dividing that post into five or six posts that focus on a single point.

2. Avoid jargon, contractions and formal vocabulary

Jargon and contractions are fine when you’re speaking to someone and can explain what you mean if your listener becomes confused.

When you’re writing, you don’t have that luxury. If your reader becomes confused, they will click away from your website, and you’ll have lost the opportunity to connect with them and make a sale. Formal language can also drive your reader away.

They may feel like they’re reading a college text rather than a usual blog if your language is too stilted. Ideally, you want to strike the right balance between casual and formal language.

3. Use active voice

Remember how your English teacher used to tell you not to use passive voice, to use active voice. There’s a good reason for this. Passive voice is less engaging and puts the writer (and the reader) a step away from what’s being said. For example, which sentence is more interesting: “The hunter was attacked by a jaguar” or “A jaguar attacks the hunter”?

If you’re not clear about when you’re using passive voice, a good proofreading site, like Grammarly, can help. Also, be on the lookout for the word “by”. It’s the hallmark of passive voice.

4. Use statistics and facts to illustrate your points

Statistics and facts lend a degree of gravitas and authority to your professional writing. The key here is to use reliable facts and statistics, something that can be challenging today with the deluge of information on the internet.

Look for first-hand authorities, not a news article written about a study or a fact. Medical sites, government sites, university sites, and most sites with a .org suffix are good choices. Wikipedia and Joe’s blog are not. Although, both Wikipedia and a personal blog may be useful in pointing you toward a reliable source.

5. Outsource your copywriting

Most business owners and managers have more than enough to do without writing content to keep their websites and blogs refreshed and ranked well with search engines.

Some business owners may just not have writing skills. After all, just because you run a successful business doesn’t necessarily mean you have stellar writing skills. The good news is that there are plenty of excellent freelance copywriters who can deliver quality, concise content without taxing your budget.

Where to find high-quality content writers

Imagine getting quality content while you are busy talking with clients, handling HR issues and otherwise managing your business. WriterAccess Talent Marketplace offers you just that, effective and professional copywriting without your having to work extra hours at your computer.

Our talent pool includes 15,000 writers, all of whom have been vetted by us, so you know that they meet our professional standards. Whether you’re looking for website content, blog posts, press releases or e-books, we can help you get the professional writing that will grow your digital presence and your business. You can choose to work with a single writer, a team of writers, or the entire writer pool.

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However, don’t just take our word for how WriterAccess can make finding quality copywriting services much easier for you. Try our marketplace for yourself for free. We offer a free 14-day trial, so there’s no risk to get started with us. To learn more about how WriterAccess can help you with your copywriting needs, we invite you to sign up for a free account today.


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