10 Empathy Statements for Customer Service to Improve Your Business

Because you are running your business digitally, words are powerful. Therefore, you must choose your words carefully and ensure they deliver your message effectively.

10 Empathy Statements for Customer Service to Improve Your Business

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You know the drill: deliver your message correctly, and the customer service experience can be a great one. 

But use the wrong words and deliver your message incorrectly, and the customer service experience can take a turn for the worst, and well, we don’t need to go into the details.

When possible, anticipating issues that customers may have can help. This is where Customer Success comes into play and being proactive in offering answers and solutions.

However, businesses will be unable to make customers happy 100% of the time or provide effective solutions all of the time. 

Even so, when we think about Empathetic Marketing, it is possible to deliver a positive experience while still trying to solve the problem that the customer is having.

Using the right empathy statements for customer service can increase sales, improve productivity, and encourage growth.

Plus, it can help create a much-needed connection with customers during conversation, since it adds a human touch to your digital service, allowing a sense of trust to be built.

So, if you’re ready to improve your company’s customer service division, here are 10 empathy statements to get you started.

    #1: “I am so sorry you’re going through this.”

    Some people tend to think they are admitting a mistake when they apologize to the customer, but this is not true.

    Instead, you are simply showing the customer you are willing to try to understand where they are coming from and try to restore the relationship with them.

    Just keep in mind that this apology is only the beginning. 

    You need to be ready to provide them with solutions to their problem. Otherwise, your apology falls short, and so does your customer service overall.

    #2: “Give Me a Moment While I Figure This Out for You.”

    When a customer contacts you with a problem, it is important to figure out what’s going on. 

    However, you also want to ensure the customer knows you are taking the steps to resolve their issue. This empathy statement does just that.

    In addition, you are letting the customer know you value their time and understand the matter of urgency.

    Working in customer service means that your primary goal is to make the life of your customer easier and offer your assistance whenever you can. 

    This empathy statement displays that goal in every word.

    #3: “You Are Right.”

    This may seem like a pretty simple empathy statement, but by acknowledging that the customer is right, you are showing both empathy and respect for the customer and their opinions.

    You will be validating their point of view, which is essentially telling them that you’re on their side. 

    They will feel understood and realize that you truly are listening to what they’re saying.

    They will feel comfort in knowing that you are taking the steps to fix what has resulted in their negative customer experience up to this point.

    #4: “I Can See What the Problem Is.”

    When customers are upset, it is because they have a problem, and they want it resolved. It is up to you to solve that problem. 

    By using an empathy statement like this one, you are letting the customer know you have identified the problem as to why your customer is experiencing an issue.

    This can calm the customer down and earn their trust that you may not be able to do otherwise. 

    They can relax and realize that you can help them. In addition, you can truly begin to understand why they have felt so angry or upset.

    This empathy statement also validates their issue because it proves you are just one step closer to fully resolving their problem.

    #5: “I Want to Ensure We’re on the Same Page.”

    This empathy statement shows the customer that you are interested in understanding what their exact problem is. It shows them you don’t want to get anything wrong. 

    Customers appreciate attention to detail, which is exactly what you’re offering when making this statement.

    By ensuring you are both on the same page, you can make certain you understand their problem 100% so you are able to offer the proper solution.

    Otherwise, you may move forward and offer a solution that simply doesn’t fit the bill.

    Further, this statement allows you to get any kind of clarity needed to provide the best possible customer service experience and solve the customer’s issue.

    #6: “What I Am Currently Doing to Help You Is…”

    You can make all the promises in the world to your customers, but if you don’t let them know what you’re doing or don’t deliver on your promises, then your promises don’t mean anything.

    Therefore, this particular empathy statement gives you the chance to explain step-by-step to your customer what you are doing to assist the customer and resolve their problem. 

    At the same time, this statement allows you to maintain control of the situation and conversation.

    It also avoids keeping the customer in the dark or waiting on hold, which is something that they don’t like or appreciate. 

    In the end, they feel relief with your words because the problem is ultimately no longer theirs.

    #7: “Thank You for Reaching Out to Us About This.”

    Sometimes, you just need to show appreciation to your customer for reaching out to your company about an issue.

    By thanking your customer for taking the time out of their busy schedule to reach out to your company about their issue, you are not only recognizing that they have a problem, but you are also emphasizing the effort they’ve made.

    Ultimately, this type of positive reinforcement will encourage them to reach out again in the future if they have an issue.

    #8: “You Might Find ABC Helpful.”

    When a customer is having problems, it is up to you to offer a solution that will hopefully help. 

    It is important to choose your words carefully so your customer understands you are offering a solution that may be able to help them.

    That’s why this customer service empathy statement is effective. 

    By using the word “might” or “may,” you are informing the customer that you have a solution that could potentially help them. 

    At the same time, you are letting them know they can accept the offer or reject it.

    Further, this statement also gives off the illusion that you could have other solutions available if the current one isn’t effective.

    #9: “This Should Be Fixed by X.”

    In some instances, you are unable to resolve your customer’s problem immediately. 

    When this is the case, it is imperative that you provide a specific timeframe for when you expect the problem to be fixed.

    In doing so, you are showing your customer that you value their time and that you’re handling their problem as quickly as possible. 

    You are essentially letting them know that they are indeed a priority and not just another paying customer.

    Just make sure that you are realistic in the timeframe that you give, as you don’t want to fall back on your word. 

    After all, they are already experiencing a problem, so you don’t want them to undergo more trouble and be upset if you miss your commitment.

    #10: “Can I Arrange for an Update Phone Call at a Time Convenient for You?”

    This statement shows that you are interested in checking back in with your customer at a future date to see if the solution that you provided them with worked out or not.

    Sometimes your solutions may work, and sometimes they don’t. Either way, it’s a good idea to find out.

    By using this statement, you are assuring your customer that you care whether your solution was effective and that you’ll be able to work with them to find a secondary solution in the event that the initial solution was ineffective.

    In addition, requesting a time that’s convenient for them shows them that you are concerned with their schedule and don’t want to inconvenience them in any way.

    Wrap Up: Don’t Overlook the Power of Empathy Statements for Customer Service

    Customers make decisions based on emotions rather than logic. Because of this, empathy serves as a fantastic tool in expressing to customers that you are there to help.

    When empathy statements for customer service are used effectively, customers will relax, feel a connection with you, and gain trust in your company. 

    If all goes according to plan, customer loyalty to your brand will increase.

    While delivering the proper solution every single time is not always possible, it is possible to ensure you connect with each and every customer by showing empathy towards their situation.

    In order for that to happen, you need to know them pretty well.

    So here’s a tip: with our buyer persona generator, you can create a semi-fictional character that represents your ideal customer. Make sure to check it out!


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