News Archives - Rock Content Content Marketing Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:18:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News Archives - Rock Content 32 32 Navigating Movie Marketing Challenges Amidst Actors’ Strikes Fri, 08 Sep 2023 08:33:40 +0000 It is curious to think of a strike that brings together the entire cast of Hollywood professionals, from screenwriters and staff to world-renowned actors. But this is exactly what we are experiencing right now, with new series and film content on hold while those responsible for creating it seek fairer working conditions and recognition. The […]

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It is curious to think of a strike that brings together the entire cast of Hollywood professionals, from screenwriters and staff to world-renowned actors. But this is exactly what we are experiencing right now, with new series and film content on hold while those responsible for creating it seek fairer working conditions and recognition.

The entertainment industry, a realm of creativity and innovation, is currently facing an unprecedented challenge: writers and actors have united in a collective endeavor, engaging in strikes that are sending shockwaves through the landscape of movie marketing

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike, ignited on May 2nd, rallied over 11,000 writers to its cause. Following suit, the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) strike, which emerged in June 2023, enlisted the support of a staggering 65,000 actors. 

The demands voiced within these strikes encompass fair contracts, pay stability, and the resolution of concerns surrounding technological advancements. But as the strikes persist, their rippling effects are profoundly altering promotional strategies, advertising paradigms, and the overarching contours of movie marketing — revealing paths hitherto unexplored.

Entertainment Industry Strikes

The foundation of these strikes is built upon fundamental issues plaguing the entertainment industry. Both writers and actors are advocating for their fair share in an era marked by transformative technological advancements, such as the rise of streaming platforms and digital content delivery.

These changes have shifted revenue models, prompting labor unions to rally for compensation structures that better reflect the contemporary media landscape. The actors’ strike, in particular, highlights the necessity of equitable compensation as actors see their work transcend traditional theaters and reach digital screens of various sizes worldwide.

But how does this impact the advertising of film productions? Well, promoting a movie is an “intricate dance” that involves the choreography of star power, compelling narratives, and innovative marketing strategies. However, we can say that the actors’ strike has disrupted this delicate equilibrium. 

The absence of key stars from promotional events and press circuits has compelled studios to rethink their approach: red carpets remain unrolled, late-night talk shows lack their usual charisma, and interviews lack the star-studded allure. Studios are now grappling with the challenge of capturing audiences’ attention without the luminous presence of their favorite actors.

In light of these strikes, advertisers and marketers are rewriting their strategies. Traditional avenues, such as TV commercials and billboards, are undergoing a metamorphosis as studios pivot towards more inventive tactics.

Social media, once a supplement to traditional advertising, is now taking center stage. Studios are leveraging interactive campaigns, behind-the-scenes content, and fan engagement initiatives to generate buzz

This shift reflects the industry’s realization that in the absence of traditional promotional avenues, the virtual realm can be harnessed to maintain audience interest.

Learn how to create Interactive Content for your marketing strategy

Effective Movie Marketing Strategies

Amid the turmoil, a new era of film marketing strategies is emerging. Studios are reevaluating their reliance on the star-centric model and embracing alternative approaches. The focus is shifting towards storytelling that transcends individual actors, emphasizing narratives that resonate with diverse audiences.

Furthermore, marketers in the movie industry are exploring collaborations with lesser-known talents, allowing for fresh perspectives and cost-effective promotional efforts. In the midst of these tumultuous times in the entertainment industry, one thing becomes abundantly clear: resilience and innovation are the industry’s greatest assets.

The strikes by writers and actors may have ushered in an era of uncertainty, but they have also catalyzed a wave of creativity and strategic thinking. Movie marketers and studios are embracing this moment as an opportunity to reevaluate their approach to engaging audiences.

The absence of star power is met with a resounding determination to tell compelling stories that resonate with viewers across the globe. This shift represents a seismic change in the industry, ushering in a new era where the quality of content and its ability to captivate audiences takes precedence over the star-studded extravagance of yesteryear.

The disruptive impact of the actors’ strikes on movie marketing is not merely a challenge; it’s a catalyst for transformation. These strikes are compelling the industry to confront issues long swept under the Hollywood red carpet, pushing for equitable pay and compensation structures that acknowledge the shifting tides of technology.

As the dust settles and the strikes inch toward resolution, I firmly believe that the entertainment industry will emerge stronger and more in tune with the digital age. The resilience displayed during these labor disputes serves as a testament to the industry’s enduring spirit, demonstrating that even in the face of adversity, it has the capacity to evolve, adapt, and continue delivering the magic of cinema to audiences worldwide.

Navigating Movie Marketing Challenges Amidst Actors' Strikes - people watching a movie (illustrative image)

Influencer Deal: Cons & Pros

The rise of influencer marketing in the wake of the actors’ strikes brings a double-edged sword to the forefront of movie marketing. On one hand, it provides a lifeline for studios looking to maintain their promotional momentum in the absence of star power. Influencers, with their dedicated followings and authentic voices, offer an avenue to connect with audiences on a personal level.

Yet, this shift to influencer-centric campaigns also ushers in a new set of considerations. Authenticity becomes paramount, as viewers quickly discern when endorsements feel disingenuous. Successful influencer partnerships hinge not just on reach but on the alignment of values, interests, and the ability to convey the essence of the movie in a way that resonates with their audience.

Moreover, the growing reliance on influencers has profound implications for the influencer landscape itself: as movie marketers increasingly vie for partnerships, influencers have more opportunities at their disposal. 

As such, they are now in a position to dictate terms and seek arrangements that align with their personal brand. This shift underscores the need for studios to engage in transparent negotiations and craft collaborations that are mutually beneficial. 

Ultimately, the actors’ strikes have inadvertently accelerated the maturation of influencer marketing in the movie industry, pushing both studios and influencers to elevate their game and deliver content that truly captivates audiences.

Final Thoughts

The turmoil inflicted upon the entertainment industry by the ongoing strikes led by writers and actors has undoubtedly become the catalyst for a profound transformation in the realm of movie marketing.

It’s a pivotal moment that demands a paradigm shift and innovative thinking. Long-established traditions are being questioned and disrupted, pushing the industry to explore unconventional avenues that harness the potential of the digital realm.

But in this era of uncertainty, one thing is abundantly clear: the entertainment industry is proving its mettle, showcasing resilience in the face of unprecedented challenges.

As the labor disputes continue to evolve, the entertainment industry is crafting a future that aligns with the ever-changing dynamics of the digital age. The strategies being forged today reflect the industry’s adaptability and unwavering commitment to delivering captivating content to global audiences.

It’s a journey into uncharted territory where creativity and innovation reign supreme, paving the way for a new era in movie marketing!

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Is This the End of Twitter? What Marketers Should Know About Elon Musk’s Rebranding of Twitter as X Tue, 01 Aug 2023 20:42:21 +0000 Since Elon Musk acquired Twitter in October of last year for a modest $44 billion, he has terminated approximately 80% of its staff and introduced controversial changes to the platform, leading to frustration among users. In 2022, we compiled some of these changes and presented a retrospective on Twitter’s controversial year. About a month ago, […]

The post Is This the End of Twitter? What Marketers Should Know About Elon Musk’s Rebranding of Twitter as X appeared first on Rock Content.

Since Elon Musk acquired Twitter in October of last year for a modest $44 billion, he has terminated approximately 80% of its staff and introduced controversial changes to the platform, leading to frustration among users.

In 2022, we compiled some of these changes and presented a retrospective on Twitter’s controversial year.

About a month ago, he announced limitations on the number of posts and DMs within the platform, primarily targeting users without the blue verification mark. 

However, this time, after a mysterious series of tweets on Sunday night, the 23rd, Musk revealed on his own social network that Twitter is rebranding as “X.” He then unveiled the new logo, featuring a black and white “X” instead of the old blue bird.

Reasons And Motivations Behind Twitter’s Rebranding

Elon Musk has been talking about his intention to create what he calls an “everything app” for quite some time now. When he acquired Twitter, he tweeted (can we still say “tweeted” for that time period?) from his account: “Buying Twitter is an accelerant to creating X, the everything app.” 

He was proposing something similar to the Chinese WeChat, where users can not only find entertainment but also make purchases and conduct other financial transactions.

According to Walter Isaacson, who has been writing Elon Musk’s biography even before the Twitter acquisition, Musk texted him, saying, “I am very excited about finally implementing as it should have been done, using Twitter as an accelerant!”

But why replace the brand name? Why remove the bird logo?

Isaacson also recalled that in the early 2000s, Musk had already intended to use the “” brand for what later became PayPal, but he failed to convince his investors at that time.

Nevertheless, Musk reinforced his mysterious desire to use the letter “X” in one of his brands. In 2002, he named his aerospace company SpaceX.

As usual, Musk clarified this to Twitter users (now already known as “X”):

“Twitter was acquired by X Corp both to ensure freedom of speech and as an accelerant for X, the everything app. This is not simply a company renaming itself, but doing the same thing.

The Twitter name made sense when it was just 140 character messages going back and forth – like birds tweeting – but now you can post almost anything, including several hours of video. 

In the months to come, we will add comprehensive communications and the ability to conduct your entire financial world. The Twitter name does not make sense in that context, so we must bid adieu to the bird.”

Linda Yaccarino, the recently hired CEO of Twitter (now X), further added, “X is the future state of unlimited interactivity – centered on audio, video, messaging, payments/banking – creating a global marketplace for ideas, goods, services, and opportunities. Powered by AI, X will connect us all in ways we’re just beginning to imagine.”

What Are Experts Saying About Twitter Rebranding?

Since Musk announced the rebranding, many marketing experts have criticized the decision. Some of them are adamant that the move would be a big mistake. Let’s take a look at some of these opinions:

  • Becci Salmon, design director at IPG-owned ad agency FCB London: According to The Drum, Salmon says “There’s a lot to be said for brand equity – Twitter’s reputation and recognizability weren’t created overnight,” and. “Twitter, tweets, tweeting – it’s all part of the vernacular, a familiarity that’s been built up over 17 years. [Musk is] ripping down a brand that’s been a cornerstone of social media … my gut reaction was that this is something only a billionaire on an ego trip would do.”
  • Mike Proulx, research director and VP of Forrester: “While Musk’s vision is to turn ‘X’ into an ‘everything app,’ this takes time, money, and people -— three things that the company no longer has,” and also added Musk “will have singlehandedly wiped out over fifteen years of a brand name that has secured its place in our cultural lexicon,”
  • Richard Michie, CEO and founder of The Marketing Optimist: Michie called the rebrand “absolute marketing suicide” and said that “Elon Musk has been giving a masterclass in how to kill a brand with death by a thousand cuts.”
  • Mark Ritson, Ph.D. in Marketing and former professor in MBA programs of leading business schools including London Business School and MIT: Ritson wrote an article for MarketingWeek listing “12 reasons why Twitter’s rebrand to X is a mistake” and said “He is making these decisions alone. Running naked through the night. Fuelled by ego and a trenchant desire to make his mistaken acquisition a success.”

What Does This Rebranding Mean To Marketers And Companies?

A little over two weeks ago, Musk himself tweeted, “We’re still negative cash flow, due to ~50% drop in advertising revenue plus heavy debt load. Need to reach positive cash flow before we have the luxury of anything else,” responding to users’ recapitalization suggestions.

But what should we really worry about?

A survey by the Pew Research Center, published in May, provides some data on the behavior of American users on the platform that concerns marketing professionals about the platform’s potential. It’s worth noting that the United States ranks number 1 in the number of users on Twitter.

The Pew Research Center survey highlights two main points:

  • Those who used Twitter in the last year reported taking a break from the platform during that time.
  • A quarter says they are not very or not at all likely to be on Twitter a year from now.

The fact is that with people considering leaving the platform, companies are hesitant to invest in advertising on Twitter. In an attempt to address this, it seems like billionaire Musk’s social network has been taking some quick actions.

For example, shortly before the rebranding announcement, Musk posted that a monetization plan will be available to anyone who joins the verified account. 

This means that users will have a chance to earn money from ads on their profiles, as long as they pay for having a verified account.’s Uncertain Future 

It seems to me that is still making a desperate attempt to keep the “two birds in the hand.” 

With this, the company assumes a position of attracting both users of verified (paid) accounts, making membership more attractive (especially for content creators), and, consequently, more investment by advertisers in the platform.

In the midst of all this, other social networks may benefit from the moment and gain the attention of advertisers, including the recently launched Threads.

After experiencing a significant drop in active users recently, the rival app created by Meta and integrated with Instagram has a great chance of growing again amid the crisis experienced by what is now known as “X”.

In a nutshell, the road ahead for X remains uncertain. The choices they make in the coming months will decide if they can hold their ground in the cutthroat social media world, or if their competitors will seize the moment and gain an edge. So, stay tuned to see how this all plays out and finally discover where to place your bets!

The post Is This the End of Twitter? What Marketers Should Know About Elon Musk’s Rebranding of Twitter as X appeared first on Rock Content.

Instagram Threads: Here are our first impressions related to the new Twitter competitor Thu, 13 Jul 2023 17:53:35 +0000 It’s been almost a week since the launch of Instagram Threads, Meta’s new social network that competes directly with Elon Musk’s Twitter. And this is not the first time that Instagram has made a kind of “clone” of other social networks, right? Keep in mind that Stories and Reels were created to reproduce Snapchat and […]

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It’s been almost a week since the launch of Instagram Threads, Meta’s new social network that competes directly with Elon Musk’s Twitter. And this is not the first time that Instagram has made a kind of “clone” of other social networks, right? Keep in mind that Stories and Reels were created to reproduce Snapchat and TikTok features respectively.

Threads arrive amidst a moment of crisis in Twitter’s relationship with its users, as the company has been limiting some features, especially for those who are using the free version. The company justifies these actions in an attempt to stop massive data collection by referencing AI companies. In early July Elon Musk himself tweeted some of these “temporary” limitations

The fact is user frustrations can lead them to look for alternatives, opening doors for Mastodon, Bluesky, and now, for the “Meta” version of this format, named Threads.

Twitter x Threads: similarities and differences

To begin with, when testing Threads, I can say that I felt quite familiar. That’s because its layout and main features are basically identical to those of its competitor, Twitter. 

Of course, with different feature buttons “texts”. For example: “New thread” instead of “Tweet”, to include a new post, as well as “Repost” in place of “Retweet”. But, in general, it’s pretty much the same.

It’s also easy to share your “Thread” in Instagram Stories, due to the integration of the two networks, which is not big news, since Twitter users were already able to share their Tweets on Instagram.

Related to features, to be honest, I don’t think there are many differences between them. But one thing that Instagram highlighted as an important difference is that Threads is a decentralized social media. 

Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, explained in this NYT podcast that Thread as well as Mastodon, is built on ActivityPub, an open protocol. That means eventually, in the future, it will be possible for different social networks built on ActivityPub to work with each other, and could also allow users to export their contacts to another platform, giving more autonomy to content creators. 

This is a great philosophy change, but we’ll need to wait to see how it’ll work.

How does Threads work?

Your Threads profile is created from your Instagram credentials. Starting the procedure, there is an option to import your Instagram profile information and also automatically follow your entire network. This means as soon as the user chooses this option, a connection invitation is automatically sent to all their contacts, which I believe is a strong benefit to content creators that won’t need to start their positioning from zero.

On the other hand, as a mere user, this could be inconvenient. Considering that you may have a different purpose for Threads and want to make different connections there, maybe you feel a certain discomfort in ignoring the invitations and could even feel obliged to follow them back.

And what if I want to delete my Threads profile? Well, that’s something that has irritated some users. As it is integrated with Instagram, the account becomes combined, so to delete Threads, you’ll need to delete both. (OMG!) But don’t worry! You can still deactivate your Threads profile and hide it, keeping your profile active on Instagram.

What are the opportunities for brands on Threads?

Zuck’s new social network has already hit 100 million users according to his Thread. In only the first 16 hours, Instagram’s new app was downloaded more than 30 million times.

Scrolling through the timeline for the first time, most of the threads available to me were from influencers and brands that I used to follow on Instagram. Maybe because I’ve chosen not to automatically follow my Instagram contacts, having a very small network in the beginning, there is a strong possibility they used Instagram data to understand what could be relevant to me. 

But, after five days of accepting invitations, and having some of mine accepted, I can see threads from these people all the time.

I suppose that you want to know about Ads and when it will be available in the new app. In the same NYT podcast that I mentioned before, Adam Mosseri said “I don’t want to mislead anyone. We believe in ads. We think they are a way to offer free service worldwide. We think it’s a good thing. But right now, it’s just not the focus at all for the app. I think that would be the definition of a champagne problem.” He also explains that the focus is to make something that people love and want to keep using over time.

Until then, as we can see on Twitter, I believe brands will stick to the same strategy with quick posts that attract comments and shares, making reach grow quickly and easily. On Twitter, it is common to see brands also talking in a fun way, attracting even more interaction from followers. I don’t see this working any differently on Threads.

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Marketers Plan to Increase Investments into SEO This Year, Report Finds Thu, 06 Jul 2023 12:05:35 +0000 It is almost impossible to talk about digital marketing and/or content marketing without mentioning the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). So in this article I will cover this topic bringing data and insights from the State of Marketing Report 2023. Published by HubSpot, Litmus, Rock Content, and Wistia, the report aims to help marketers […]

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It is almost impossible to talk about digital marketing and/or content marketing without mentioning the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

So in this article I will cover this topic bringing data and insights from the State of Marketing Report 2023. Published by HubSpot, Litmus, Rock Content, and Wistia, the report aims to help marketers prioritize their strategies and outperform their goals.

One of the main study findings is that 88% of marketers who already do SEO work plan to increase or maintain their investment this year.

We can say that SEO is what helps people find what they are really looking for, while helping brands get their solution exposed to the right audience at the right place. In the end, SEO is responsible for helping people solve their problems while playing an important role in businesses’ digital marketing and sales results.

SEO can not be considered a single tactic or action. It is complex and requires planning and time, especially when we talk about organic results.

So, if you’re in the learning stage about this topic, keep in mind that the results from ranking on search engines will probably require months or even years of effort. 

Before getting into the data and insights that the report brings to us, let’s take a refresher on some important points when it comes to the subject. 

The 5 pillars of SEO

Keyword Research

If you want to be on top of search engine results, you should know what your potential audience is looking for and what your competitors are delivering.

Use keyword research tools to make an analysis of these intentions. You could gain a better understanding about search volume, competition, and user intent for example. After that, find the best way to incorporate these keywords strategically into your website’s content.

If you want to find an easier way to do it and get suggestions on how to optimize for the content keywords you are targeting, you should try this AI Content Wizard.

High-Quality Content

Create high-quality, rich content that answers the questions that your audience is searching for. Provide valuable and clear information in a well-structured and easy to read content piece that naturally presents the keywords you are targeting. Don’t forget to make updates to the content, so the search engines know that your content can be a good option for the audience.

On-Page Optimization

Make sure that the elements on your pages are clear not only to the audience who will read it, but also to the search engines when ranking. Title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, URLs, and image alt tags play an important role in rankings, just like page load speed and mobile-friendliness.

Link Building

Get traffic from different sources by creating a strategy that backlinks your pages into other channels and websites. You can do it with guest blogging, influencer partnerships, and content collaborations with authoritative websites in your industry. This helps search engines assess your website’s credibility and authority.

Technical SEO

Keep your technical SEO aspects up to date. Optimizing URLs, fixing broken links, using the right keywords and tags, and making sure your crawlability and indexability are working properly will provide you with a good reputation on search engines.

With all that fresh up in our minds, let’s dig into the recent trends.

What’s trending?

According to the State of Marketing Report 2023, 52% of professionals don’t expect to have a higher marketing budget this year. It is easily understandable, when we look at the current market scenarios, right?

The report mentions that in-person events, print and physical ads are expected to face some cuts this year. Meanwhile, SEO content might be useful to marketers with a leaner budget plan, since it is able to deliver good results.

SEO is ranked 4th on a list that considers marketing trends with the highest ROI. 6% of the respondents elected this as the source with the best return on investment. At the same time, 10% of them stated that Short-form video content (TikTok, Reels, YouTube Shorts, etc.) have the best ROI, and here we have another good opportunity for SEO strategies.

Explore new SEO possibilities

The report points out these channels and brings some insights, but does not dive deeper into the possibilities of ranking videos. Short-form videos are a trend, but they can deliver even better results when combined with SEO strategies. 

Video platforms such as YouTube and TikTok have become a huge source of information and also a search engine. According to Google, nearly 40% of Gen Z prefer to search on TikTok and Instagram over Google Search and Maps. People use these platforms to find answers to their questions, and the algorithms are getting specialized to deliver the content a user is looking for.

With that being said, why not take advantage of two result generating channels to perform even better? If you want to learn more about these tactics, I recommend these two articles:

As mentioned in the State of Marketing Report, the majority of marketers who already use SEO as a digital marketing tactic intend to maintain or increase their investments in this channel this year. This means that the competition for the highest position on search engines will get tougher, so you better work this out!

SEO has one of the best ROI since it requires low investments when compared to paid ads or events, but don’t forget that it takes time to take off. Get a plan together and start acting in advance to increase the chances of getting your brand on the first pages.

Standing out from the crowd

Differentiating your content is key to stand out among the competition. With lower investments into paid initiatives, the organic tactics must pay off. So, here you go: two suggestions to set your content apart from the plethora that user will find on the internet:

Be an expert writer

If you want to be on top of searches, your content should be the best available online. Authority is crucial when it comes to SEO, so you really need to build it by delivering high-quality content. 

If your team does not have expert writers or if you don’t have the time or workforce required to drive expert articles at scale, you can outsource the creation with industry experts. Meet WriterAccess! Find expert writers from various industries to leverage your content creation. 

Unlock 14-day trial and place an order!

Create engaging experiences

Long ebooks can be quite boring and distract readers from consuming the content. The same happens with infographics, since static images can make it harder to digest and are not very SEO friendly. 

Interactive experiences can be optimized to rank on search engines and engage with users while collecting first-party data. This leads to increased conversions, thus driving better results when compared to static experiences. 

Want to see how to apply this to your brand? Get a free demo!

We can see that SEO is key to businesses that are looking to conquer their spot in the digital environment. As mentioned above, it delivers great ROI and good results for the low financial investments needed. It requires research, planning and it takes time, but the results are worth it. 

If you want to find more expert insights from world leading companies, download the State of Marketing Report 2023 and get the latest trends in content marketing!

The post Marketers Plan to Increase Investments into SEO This Year, Report Finds appeared first on Rock Content.

This Barbie is a Marketing Genius: Unveiling the New Movie’s Phenomenon Wed, 05 Jul 2023 18:24:32 +0000 It’s a Barbie world — even the marketing one. The Barbie movie was officially launched on July 21st, and its promotion continues to be a shining marketing example. The campaign has all the ingredients to shine your eyes. I’m talking about the clever utilization of one of the most recognizable brand colors worldwide, tons and […]

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It’s a Barbie world — even the marketing one.

The Barbie movie was officially launched on July 21st, and its promotion continues to be a shining marketing example.

The campaign has all the ingredients to shine your eyes. I’m talking about the clever utilization of one of the most recognizable brand colors worldwide, tons and tons of product partnerships, and even the use of AI and interactivity.

Maybe you were a kid who played with Barbies, maybe not. But it’s a fact that the marketing campaign has struck the right chord to pique the curiosity of this new and anticipated audience for Warner Bros’ upcoming film: us, adults.

As people say, “The devil works hard, but the Barbie movie marketing team works harder.”  And we can learn a lot from them.

So, I invite you to join me on a visit to the Barbie world and take a closer look at the marketing behind the new movie.

Barbie is one of the strongest brands in the world – and it knows it

Can you imagine the satisfaction of knowing that your brand can be recognized and convey a message without using any written language? Just a single color.

You don’t have to be a consumer of the brand to recognize that a specific shade of pink represents Mattel’s iconic doll. The Barbie movie marketing team understands this and has cleverly exploited it.

A billboard that consists only of a pink rectangle and a date. Yet, we all know exactly what it means. (Source: Reproduction)

I remember a particular instance when my two-year-old niece saw a pink keychain hanging from my purse. She pointed and said, “Look, it’s from Barbie!”

It wasn’t actually a Barbie keychain. It was simply pink (the right shade of pink). And that alone was enough to create brand recognition in a two-year-old.

Of course, this strategy could never have been employed in the marketing of the 2023 Barbie movie without the doll’s more than 60-year history.

As Eliana Dockterman, a journalist from TIME, aptly stated during an interview with the film’s lead actress, Margot Robbie: “The word ‘Barbie’ has the kind of globally recognized status that only brands like Coca-Cola achieve. Since her debut in 1959, she has been a cultural staple.”

Not only the colors but also every unique characteristic of Barbie has been meticulously explored, from the shape of the foot to the intricacies of the sets and costumes. All to truly bring the pink toys of our childhood to life in a live-action setting. Quoting the famous Aqua song: Life in plastic, it’s fantastic.

Actress Margot Robbie took a tour of Barbie’s dream house, highlighting every distinctive detail of the iconic Mattel toy.

There’s definitely a nostalgic charm to it as well, and it’s incredibly effective.

Mattel’s ups and downs 

You can’t be a brand with over six decades of history and expect to sail through your journey without facing any challenges.

Barbie, in particular, is a brand that carries complexity.

While it aims to inspire children to imagine themselves as astronauts and politicians, it has faced significant (and valid) criticism for promoting unrealistic body standards and potentially impacting the self-esteem of children, with its traditionally thin-waisted, blond, doll-like appearance.

In 2016, Mattel introduced a new line featuring Barbies with diverse body types. However, it took some time to recover. According to Statista, Mattel experienced a decline in annual net sales from $6.5 billion to $4.5 billion between 2013 and 2018.

As I mentioned, Barbie is a brand that sparks controversy. So, how did the marketing for the Barbie movie tackle this issue? By embracing the controversy itself. As the trailer boldly declares, “If you love Barbie, this movie is for you. If you hate Barbie, this movie is for you.”

AI and interactivity 

In April, our social media feeds were flooded with people sharing photos of themselves on the Barbie movie poster.

Obviously, this buzz didn’t happen by chance. The Barbie movie marketing team created an artificial intelligence tool that allows anyone to upload their photo and generate a movie poster with the customizable tagline “This Barbie is a ____.”

Source: Warner Bros | Reproduction

Of course, the internet did what the internet does and created endless memes of the results:

Barbie meme inspired by Everything Everywhere All at Once (created by the A24 Film Group and shared by @borrowingtape) and Taylor Swift | Reproduction

From a marketing standpoint, this was brilliant for at least three reasons: artificial intelligence, interactivity, and widespread sharing.

Integrating artificial intelligence into the film’s promotion was a genius move. Let’s be honest: people are captivated by anything that involves “AI” nowadays.

And executing it on an interactive platform that enables user-generated content and encourages organic sharing is the perfect recipe for generating buzz and promoting any company.

Partnerships in the Metaverse and the game universe 

Not even the metaverse escaped from the Barbie movie. Forever 21, in partnership with the iconic doll, not only launched a clothing line in physical stores but also replicated it within the virtual realm of Roblox.

And there’s more: the partnership also included a contest where the winner and their fashion style were recreated in the online game platform.

Forever 21 not only launched a clothing line in physical stores but also replicated it within the virtual realm of Roblox. (Source: Mattel | Reproduction)

Xbox is also bringing Barbie into its universe. 

The gaming console, owned by Microsoft, is not only hosting a contest where one lucky winner will receive a pink console housed in a mini replica of Barbie’s Dreamhouse, but players of Forza Horizon 5 will also be treated to an in-game replica of Barbie and Ken’s cars from the movie.

The partnership also includes a contest to award winners Barbie dolls dressed in Xbox-branded gear.

The partnership with Xbox awards users with an in-game replica of Barbie and Ken’s cars from the movie. Source: ( | Reproduction)

Barbie products, but not just for children anymore 

Last, but certainly not least, let’s talk about the most timeless and classic aspect of the Barbie phenomenon: merchandise. Countless products, created in collaboration with a large variety of brands.

What’s interesting to note is that, unlike the traditional focus on children that has characterized Barbie’s legacy for the past 60 years, these products are now targeted towards adults, catering to the film’s intended audience.

Source: Airbnb

I’m sure the ‘Barbie girl’ within you would be thrilled to have the opportunity to stay at Barbie’s Malibu DreamHouse alongside Ken. Well, thanks to Airbnb, that dream can actually come true.

The list of partnership products seems to be never-ending, ranging from the expected, like makeup and clothing, to the unexpected, such as a Barbie-themed toothbrush and even a Barbie Cruise experience.

You’ll notice that a significant portion of the Barbie movie marketing wasn’t actually for and from the live-action marketing team.

It comes from the care that Mattel has taken with the brand, allowing it to be very well-established for decades (although we have to admit, the movie team did an excellent job of embracing all the aspects, even the controversial ones).

It also comes from covering various points of promotion, including the latest trends like AI, the Metaverse, and the world of gaming—perfectly positioned to target the movie-specific audience, which, I must mention, isn’t the same as the traditional Barbie doll audience, adding an extra challenge.

And, well… from the world. It’s fueled by the buzz generated by people and strategic partnerships with other brands.

Like I said, it’s a Barbie world — even the marketing one.

Do you want to continue to be updated with Marketing best practices? I strongly suggest that you subscribe to The Beat, Rock Content’s interactive newsletter. We cover all the trends that matter in the Digital Marketing landscape. See you there!

Cover photo: Jennifer Killens

The post This Barbie is a Marketing Genius: Unveiling the New Movie’s Phenomenon appeared first on Rock Content.

Meta Publishes Report on the Evolution of Data Privacy Rules Tue, 04 Jul 2023 14:38:55 +0000 Meta has released a report on the evolution of data privacy rules in digital environments. Produced in partnership with Deloitte, the study “A Marketer’s Guide to Privacy-Enhancing Technologies” provides details on current demands and possible changes related to user privacy. In addition, it provides suggestions on how companies can prepare for the new data sharing […]

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Meta has released a report on the evolution of data privacy rules in digital environments.

Produced in partnership with Deloitte, the study “A Marketer’s Guide to Privacy-Enhancing Technologies” provides details on current demands and possible changes related to user privacy.

In addition, it provides suggestions on how companies can prepare for the new data sharing and storage policies.

The report also offers important insights into how to optimize data collection and use without losing the potential to expand your audience.

I have selected some that are essential for any marketer, and will share them in this article.

Privacy Enhancing Technologies: The New Allies of Data Privacy

The future of data privacy is the Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs).

PETs are technologies that allow you to collect, process, analyze and share information while preserving data privacy and confidentiality.

According to the report, digital advertising ecosystems have adopted PETs because these technologies allow for increased user data protection without causing friction in the consumer journey.

Let me explain: personal data is valuable information that companies can use to identify behavior profiles and look for opportunities to present you products or services in a personalized way.

However, data collection requires user consent, which can disrupt the purchase journey, as consumers need to authorize the use of their data in exchange for what the company has to offer (content, experiences or products, for example). A practical example is filling out a form on a landing page to receive an e-book at your email address.

In this scenario, gradual but significant changes have been taking place for some time. One of them is the end of third-party cookies. Marketers will need to readjust to collect the data they need while respecting the boundaries of their audience’s consent and privacy.

And this is where PETs come in: these technologies provide robust and reliable protection if combined with good data governance, and they are a great option for digital strategies as they avoid rigid processes of collecting and consenting to information.

The report also details the spectra of data privacy within an organization and where PETs fit in this context:

On the one hand, we have the organizational spectrum, where data privacy falls on company operations related to governance, primary data consent, pseudo anonymization, among others. On the other side are the PETs, which involve techniques and technologies of data protection.

The report emphasizes that it is important to combine the two spectrums (organizational and technological) for more complete data protection.

Advice for marketers: How to prepare for the future of digital privacy

Implementing privacy-enhancing technologies is and will continue to be a challenge for businesses.

The report brings a reflection on the difficulty in adopting innovative and intelligent solutions in a global recession. The most logical path for companies is to continue investing in the traditional tactics that generate the most return on investment.

I highlight this excerpt from the report that summarizes this challenge and signals a first step towards overcoming it:

“Data privacy can be viewed by organizations as more of a barrier than an enabler. This perception may cause brands to shy away from contributing to privacy solutions. This narrative can only be changed with education.”

Indeed, building a safe environment for data management requires more than mere generic knowledge about the available technologies and resources: a deeper understanding of the importance of the topic is required, and this can only be done with education campaigns within organizations.

Marketers play a key role in this process. Our objectives will remain the same (attract, educate, engage and convert potential customers), but dealing with a large amount of data will become increasingly complex and challenging.

Here I highlight the guide’s recommendations to prepare for this scenario.

1. Invest in data privacy education

Knowing what PETs are and their importance is the first step in creating a secure data environment. Everyone within a company (from the intern to the board) must have an understanding of data privacy strategies and their relationship to brand positioning.

2. Understand where your business is today

Here comes a fundamental question: “is your company aware of the changes in data privacy rules?” In addition, knowing what data the organization uses, how it is collected and protected will determine the next steps in confidentiality strategies.

3. Make your data strategy as collaborative as your business

Building and applying a data privacy strategy should not just be the responsibility of the teams that are most impacted by it, such as Marketing and Product. Having a synergy between these groups and those from IT and legal, for example, will make privacy actions more effective.

4. Enhance your data privacy and consent features

Ensuring data privacy goes far beyond a consent text on web page forms. Data governance, privacy policies and investment in technology are the necessary resources to build a reliable system for collecting and managing information in the digital environment.

5. Make partnerships and experiments

To build a data protection architecture using PETs, it is necessary to rely on a specialized consultancy. Testing and experimenting with privacy-enhancing solutions is also recommended. In addition, benchmarking against other companies can be advantageous to understand how they protect their data and that of third parties, adapting what makes sense for their reality.

In a complex context of information management, the main challenge of digital marketing is to reach new customers and create increasingly personalized experiences, combined with efficient data governance.

The PETs point the way, as detailed in the Meta report, but it is necessary to invest in education within companies about the seriousness with which data privacy must be treated in organizations. The more solutions to optimize data privacy in a company, the lower the chances of dealing with information leakage crises.“Prevention is better than cure,” right?

Do you want to continue to be updated with Marketing best practices? I strongly suggest that you subscribe to The Beat, Rock Content’s interactive newsletter. We cover all the trends that matter in the Digital Marketing landscape. See you there!

The post Meta Publishes Report on the Evolution of Data Privacy Rules appeared first on Rock Content.

Enhancing Content Quality: Rock Content’s Process, Achievements, and Challenges Mon, 03 Jul 2023 14:36:28 +0000 A few weeks ago, I sent our monthly report to my leaders, outlining our achievements and challenges. One of the highlights I enthusiastically included was “Our content is improving alongside the improved quality of our briefs.” I was comfortable with that statement until our CMO asked, “How are we determining this? Which criteria are we […]

The post Enhancing Content Quality: Rock Content’s Process, Achievements, and Challenges appeared first on Rock Content.

A few weeks ago, I sent our monthly report to my leaders, outlining our achievements and challenges. One of the highlights I enthusiastically included was “Our content is improving alongside the improved quality of our briefs.”

I was comfortable with that statement until our CMO asked, “How are we determining this? Which criteria are we using to “measure” quality of content creation?” At that time, I replied: 

“We have not been able to measure the quality of our content directly through data yet. However, we analyzed qualitatively some old briefs and old content, compared to new briefs and new content. We have realized that our recent blog posts are answering the search intent of each keyword more effectively than before. […] To ensure the quality of our content, we provide detailed briefs to our writers, which also instruct them regarding the standards we expect them to follow while creating their pieces. We also provide detailed feedback to them and ask for revisions whenever something is not aligned with what was in the brief.”

I wasn’t lying. It was crystal clear that both our briefs and content created from them had seen improvements. But honestly, I wasn’t fully satisfied with my answer. 

As an SEO professional, I knew I should back it up with concrete data, as our CMO asked. But where to start from?

High-Quality Briefs for High-Quality Content

First, I should explain to you that we outsource most of our content. And the skilled writers responsible for crafting them are on WriterAccess.

Our content creation platform has over 15,000 professionals from various fields and countries. We use AI-powered tools to find those who best match our needs and send them content briefs with our requirements.

Content briefs – here’s my thesis about them:

A good brief is vital for high-quality content. Briefs serve as the roadmap that directs the creation of every piece of content.

As a content marketing business, we can’t afford to overlook their significance; however, we may have come close to making this mistake. Not for too long, though.

As 2023 began, we reflected on the instructions that would clearly guide our freelance writers to produce pieces that truly resonated with our audience. In that spirit, we revamped our content briefs

Our New Content Brief Template - First Page
Our New Content Brief Template – First Page

Personally, I felt a great sense of pride in our new brief template and the meticulous approach we adopted while filling them out. But what did the freelance writers think about them? So, this question became the starting point of my research.

I created this form to collect our freelance writer’s valuable insights, and their answers made me realize two main things: 1) our content briefs efforts are paying off; 2) we still have room for improvement, and we will keep doing so.

Are you ready to dive into my findings? I recommend you to stick around because they are really interesting and can assist you in refining your content brief creation process.

Writer’s Valuable Insights on Our Content Briefs

Among the respondents, only one started writing for Rock Content in 2023, while the others have been with us for at least one year. This timeframe allowed them to compare our old briefs with the new, enhanced ones. 

To start off, I’d like to share the freelance writers’ opinions on how much the quality of the brief impacts their writing process. Here’s what I found out:

Graphic - writer's opinion on content  briefs importance

Some of their remarks regarding this topic included:

“The brief bridges what the clients want with what I write. If it’s not clear, it leaves too much up to interpretation by me. When that happens, the client rarely gets the piece they envisioned.”

“A good brief makes writing an article easy and simple. […] A poor brief leaves me more confused and unsure about what needs to be included and what subtitles and headings will make the client happy with the outcome of the blog.”

“I refer back to content briefs constantly as I write and often copy/paste keywords, necessary links, and requested important points into a separate document so that I can cross each one off as I include it. The more direction there is, the easier it is for me to mentally plan the piece and bring it together as I work on it.”

“This is more specific to new clients than to Rock Content. Without a full understanding of the clients’ marketing scope and the stage of the customer journey, having the additional information in the brief is critical for success. In addition, having the tone and voice guidelines available in the brief helps ensure that the content I provide blends seamlessly with their other marketing assets.”

“If the brief isn’t clear, it’s a guessing game to deliver what you want. It’s also less helpful, and takes up a lot of time, when there is so much information that I have to pick through it to find the bits that I actually need.”

As I mentioned before, content briefs are like road maps, and I’m glad the writers recognize it. Now, let’s explore some other questions from the form.

Close-ended questions

One of the most important ones was: “Have you noticed any improvements in the briefs you received during the months of April and May [when the changes were implemented] compared to the ones you received earlier”? 

80% of the freelance writers noticed some kind of improvement in the briefs, among them 50% noticed a lot of improvement.

I also asked the respondents about the clarity of our content briefs, using a rating scale from 1 to 5. A rating of 1 meant “not clear at all,” while a rating of 5 meant “very clear.” Interestingly, none of the respondents rated the briefs as 1 or 2, and a majority of 60% gave them a top rating of 5 for clarity.

I was also curious to know if the new briefs provided a thorough understanding of the topic to be covered, 40% voted “all of them” and 60% voted “most of them”. 

Then I asked the writers to indicate their level of agreement with the following statement: “There were insights or guidance provided regarding the user intent or needs of the audience.” Here’s their response:

When it comes to how clearly we state our tone and style in the content briefs, 50% agree that they’re clear, and 20% strongly agree with that. On the other hand, 20% are neutral about it and 10% strongly disagree.

When asked about sections in the brief that they consider unnecessary for their work, some data worth mentioning is that 70% considered “Author information” useless, 50% indicated “Visual elements” and 30% don’t see value in our list of “Top-ranking competing content”.

I was particularly interested in the writers’ feedback regarding their satisfaction with the overall quality of our new briefs compared to the old ones. It was important for me to gather their responses and compare the two.

When queried about their satisfaction with the new briefs on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “extremely dissatisfied” and 5 being “extremely satisfied,” 80% of the writers voted 4 or 5. None of them voted 1 or 2. However, the feedback for the old briefs was different. Only 10% voted 5, while 80% voted 3 and 4, and 10% voted 2 (dissatisfied).

Open-ended questions

Additionally, I gathered insights by posing open-ended questions regarding the writers’ preferences and critiques regarding both the new/updated and old briefs. Here are a few excerpts from their feedback:

“[…] I’d say the more recent the briefs, the better/more clearer they’ve been. I wasn’t dissatisfied with the old briefs, but I really like the amount of detail included in the new ones.”

This content brief provided just enough information on what needed to be included, while still allowing for the writer to use [their] own creativity. Briefs that include too much micro-management in what is to be written are stagnating, at least to this writer, so this one had just the right mix.” (Referring to an updated brief)

“Generally, the less information/direction, the less I liked the brief. I just really like knowing that the client and I are on exactly the same page.”

“I can’t remember individual ones, but I remember not even picking up some articles because the language on the brief just wasn’t clear enough to tell me what was needed.” (Referring to old briefs)

“I have written articles for clients who simply gave me a single word to go on […] and others who provide full outlines. Given my preference, I would say something in the middle is best for me. As a senior-level marketer with 15 years of corporate experience, I intuitively know where to take much of the content so the additional info is often just “noise” for me to scroll through.”

“The only complaint I have is that the briefs are very long. I find myself having to open the page on two tabs – one to reference the brief and another to write the content. If there’s a way to shorten or format the brief so the outline is close to the text box, that would streamline the writing process.” (Referring to updated briefs)

Data Insights: What I Learned From The Writers’ Feedback

I’m sure you have drawn your own conclusions after reading the writers’ feedback shared in the previous section. However, I invite you to explore what I have learned:

1. We have improved, it’s noticeable.

We’re communicating our intentions and goals more effectively than before. The details included in the updated version of our briefs help most freelancers feel guided and more confident about their work.

I understand why more experienced writers in our industry might view detailed information as “noise,” and I empathize with their perspective. However, our approach typically involves crafting briefs tailored for writers with a mid-level of expertise. 

We primarily process our orders on a first-come, first-served basis, and while we prioritize our “love list” of writers, they possess varying levels of expertise.

2. We must improve how we communicate our desired tone and style.

30% of respondents being neutral or strongly disagreeing with the statement “The desired tone and style of the content were clearly stated in the briefs” is a point of attention.

Honestly, it just confirmed what we had already noticed and started to work on. We’re currently developing a new style guide to share with our writers.

3. We can remove certain sections from the briefs to make them shorter and more concise.

I agree, they have indeed become a bit lengthy.

Many of the sections that the writers indicated as unnecessary, such as ‘Author information,’ we use only internally, so we can certainly leave them aside.

However, the fact that 30% of them see our list of “Top-ranking competing content” as unnecessary is a bit concerning. We may be failing to clarify the importance of some information we include in our briefs. 

Analyzing “top-ranking competing content” before writing an SEO piece is crucial for writers to gain insights into the competition, identify content gaps, and create more effective and targeted content that can rank higher in search results.

You may wonder: “Shouldn’t freelance writers already know this?” SEO knowledge does indeed enhance their work, and I highly recommend investing time in it. However, we can assist them by explaining concepts like the one mentioned above.

4. I confirmed the importance of consistently providing feedback to our writers for every piece of content they create. 

Although I haven’t previously mentioned this data, 90% of them find our feedback highly valuable, and we witness its practical impact. 

Our writers excel at receiving feedback, and we observe noticeable improvements from one article to the next.

What I’ve learned from the writers’ responses confirms my thesis: A good brief is vital for high-quality content. It provides clear guidelines, objectives, and audience insights, ensuring content creators understand project expectations. 

By facilitating effective communication and aligning visions, a comprehensive brief helps develop relevant and engaging content that resonates with the audience, delivering the intended message effectively.

What Google Analytics Tells Us About Our Content Quality

I know I mentioned how a good brief helps in creating more engaging content that deeply connects with our audience, but I haven’t quite proven it yet. Stay with me because we’re about to reach that point.

First, let me remind you that Google Analytics provides valuable insights into our content quality. By analyzing specific metrics, we can gain a more in-depth understanding of how our content resonates with our audience. 

Rock’s Content Performance

Here are three key metrics and our results, which I would like to share with you. I’ll compare data from April 1st to May 31st, 2023 (after we started implementing the updated briefs) with the same period last year:

  1. Bounce Rate: This metric reveals the percentage of visitors who leave a website after viewing just one page. 

From April 1st to May 31st, 2023, our bounce rate reduced by 3.94% compared to the same period last year. This improvement indicates that visitors are engaging more with our website and exploring multiple pages before leaving.

  1. Time on Page: This metric measures the average amount of time visitors spend on a particular page or set of pages. 

From April 1st to May 31st, 2023, our average time on page increased by 23.73%. A longer time on page suggests that our recent content is more captivating and holds the attention of our audience.

  1. Average session duration: Session duration, or average session duration, measures the average time visitors spend on a website during a session. 

From April 1st to May 31st, 2023, our average session duration increased by 7.84%. A longer session duration generally suggests that visitors find our content valuable and are spending more time consuming it.

While it is important to acknowledge that each year has its unique characteristics and the data presented here cannot be attributed solely to improvements in content quality, the analysis of these metrics collectively indicates that we are indeed heading in the right direction. 

It suggests that well-crafted and high-quality briefs contribute to the creation of content of similar caliber, which in turn leads to increased engagement from our audience.

Final Remarks

At the time our CMO asked how I could affirm that our content quality was improving, I hadn’t yet gathered all this information.

I answered him based on a comparison between articles written in the past with the ones written after our updated briefs were launched. I took into consideration aspects like readability, keyword use, capacity to answer user intent, and source quality.

Now I can tell both qualitatively and quantitatively that our content is improving along with the quality of our briefs. 

Am I happier with my current answer? Yes, definitely. However, I also know there’s a lot of room for improvement and more key metrics to analyze in the future.

Would you also like to take one step further toward improving your content creation? Why not give WriterAccess a try today?

Enjoy 14 days of free access to our network of expert writers and discover what great content can do for your business!

Oh, and don’t forget to reference this article when creating your content briefs and connecting with our talented writers. Good luck!

Do you want to continue to be updated with Marketing best practices? I strongly suggest that you subscribe to The Beat, Rock Content’s interactive newsletter. We cover all the trends that matter in the Digital Marketing landscape. See you there!

The post Enhancing Content Quality: Rock Content’s Process, Achievements, and Challenges appeared first on Rock Content.

Tiktok Is Changing the Way Brands Develop and Release Products Thu, 29 Jun 2023 19:44:26 +0000 Google, Instagram and blogs were once the most popular places to discover trends and help leverage brands. Now, TikTok has become the driving force behind trends and the go-to place for companies that need to keep track of what’s new in their industry. With over 50 million active users, TikTok has become a behemoth in […]

The post Tiktok Is Changing the Way Brands Develop and Release Products appeared first on Rock Content.

Google, Instagram and blogs were once the most popular places to discover trends and help leverage brands. Now, TikTok has become the driving force behind trends and the go-to place for companies that need to keep track of what’s new in their industry.

With over 50 million active users, TikTok has become a behemoth in the social media world and is changing the way companies develop and release products, according to an article by the Wall Street Journal.

Industries are taking advantage of the hype around new trends launched within the app to better understand their target audience and create products that engage with these consumers. And, with any luck, become the object of desire for active users of what is currently the most popular app around.

Brands influenced by TikTok

Aeropostale, for example, had a great idea that increased its profits in 2022. Through the “loose jeans” trend and with the remoteness of skinny jeans on TikTok, the brand was able to increase its offers of loose jeans, which grew from 7% of sales in 2020 to 40% in 2022 and saw a profit  increase of 15%.

“We’ve doubled down on TikTok since then because we see how strong the ROI is,” said Natalie Levy, CEO of SPARC Group – the joint venture between Simon Property Group and Authentic Brands Group. Aeropostale now works with dozens of TikTok influencers, including Lexi Hidalgo who has a reach of over 2 million followers on the platform.

Gap also saw in TikTok an opportunity to increase the brand’s valuation and managed to popularize its sweatshirt with the Gap logo, by sending the product to popular people on the social network. From there, sales of the product took off, even with initial resistance from the company’s CMO to creating a TikTok brand-exclusive.

But not everything is perfect…

With this relevance for TikTok among brands, American companies have become hostage to the whims of the application, as stated by the WSJ.

Chipotle, for example, added “Keithadilla,” a menu hack created by TikTok celebrities Keith Lee and Alexis Frost, to its menu. Chipotle saw in this case a way to incorporate a dish already popular on TikTok into its menu, attracting influencers to its stores.

But you must be wondering where the problem is in this? After all, Chipotle made a profit, right?

The viral quesadilla hack was a great organic marketing strategy for the Chipotle company. The problem is that with the boom of a quesadilla – which didn’t even exist in real life -, Chipotle employees started to show dissatisfaction with the changes generated by a viral trend from TikTok. OneTikTok user, @bmar1992, posted a video showing a sign she saw posted at her local Chipotle register.

“PROTEIN AND CHEESE ONLY IN THE QUESADILLA! No TikTok trends allowed,” reads the sign shown in the video.

At Starbucks, the viral drinks on TikTok became a nightmare for baristas who saw the hard-to-make drink recipes being spread across the internet.

Therefore, restaurants need to modify their menus to satisfy the demands generated by TikTok and relieve the stress of their workers.

But one thing is clear in all of this, TikTok will remain one of the most popular apps in the world and will continue to dictate trends and brand cancellations. It is important for companies to be more and more inserted into the application to take hold of trends and be able to get ahead of competitors.

There are brands doing great marketing on TikTok, whether intentional or not, and this is a great way for your business to gain fans and followers and increase brand awareness.

It is important to insert yourself in this environment and analyze the trends of the moment. However, it is important to draw limits so that your brand is not designed by TikTok, and loses a little of its essence by becoming a puppet of the application. Moderation, always!

Do you want to continue to be updated with Marketing best practices? I strongly suggest that you subscribe to The Beat, Rock Content’s interactive newsletter. We cover all the trends that matter in the Digital Marketing landscape. See you there!

The post Tiktok Is Changing the Way Brands Develop and Release Products appeared first on Rock Content.

Crash Course on How I Use Interviews to Drive Marketing Success Thu, 29 Jun 2023 12:13:46 +0000 Over the past decade in marketing, content formats have undergone significant transformations. The shift from static to interactive content and from PNGs to MP4s demonstrates the dynamic nature of the industry. According to the 2023 State of Marketing Report, 25% of marketers are planning to incorporate interviews into their strategies for the first time this […]

The post Crash Course on How I Use Interviews to Drive Marketing Success appeared first on Rock Content.

Over the past decade in marketing, content formats have undergone significant transformations.

The shift from static to interactive content and from PNGs to MP4s demonstrates the dynamic nature of the industry. According to the 2023 State of Marketing Report, 25% of marketers are planning to incorporate interviews into their strategies for the first time this year.

Since the pandemic, interviews have emerged as a mainstream tool worldwide, spanning podcasts, videos, and social media channels.

I have been consistently utilizing interviews as a valuable marketing asset since recognizing their potential.

In this article, I will share my recent experiences of integrating interviews into my marketing strategy, including personal results and insights.

For further tips on leveraging interviews in marketing, I encourage you to explore the 2023 State of Marketing Report.

The interview format

The interview format plays a pivotal role in fostering audience engagement and generating impactful results. It’s not by  chance that video holds 50% of the answers to “Which media formats are marketers leveraging in their marketing strategy this year?”.

So, I run the Jam Sessions: a series of live video interviews hosted by Rock Content featuring iconic marketing experts, trailblazers, and innovators. To name a few, Joe Pulizzi, Pam Didner, and Rand Fishkin have already shone the spotlight on our stage.

Take a glimpse at Mordy Oberstein’s Jam Session captured in this screenshot from the broadcast page. This is where all of the participants came together, asking questions and sharing personal experiences.

By embracing the power of live video interviews, we deliver an immersive and exclusive experience for our audience, fostering meaningful connections and driving engagement to new heights.

How do I use interviews as a marketing asset?

So, this is where the magic happens, right? To unlock the true potential of interviews and achieve impactful results, it’s crucial to go beyond simply creating them. Repurposing interviews into diverse formats is key. Think blog posts, social media content, marketing emails, nurturing workflows, and more.

By covering multiple channels, you can expand your reach and engage with your audience across various touchpoints. Embracing an omnichannel approach not only enhances lead generation and MQL conversions but it also enables you to deliver a comprehensive 360º experience that caters to your audience’s preferences and needs. 

The Live-Factor

All of our Jam Sessions are conducted live, and to maximize their impact, I design a comprehensive promotional agenda aimed at generating a high volume of leads. 

But back in the days when I started the Sessions, I thought I should stop promoting it right after it airs. The thing is I forgot that even in FOMO there are those who have actually missed it!

To address this, I have adopted a new approach by extending the promotional period for an additional week following the live broadcast. This allows me to capitalize on the trending topic without compromising upcoming launches or initiatives.

Now, you might wonder, how do I generate effective results?

Repurposing is the answer

To actually create the 360º experience, I have to be dynamic. Using multiple formats to support the interview is definitely my most efficient way of maximize the results.

Let me share some insights on what’s working for my strategy:

On marketing emails

The promotional season for our Jam Sessions spans a month leading up to the broadcast day, followed by an additional week after the interview airs.

As part of our strategy, we send out weekly marketing emails to our contacts, each highlighting a unique aspect of the Jam Session episode. These emails cover various elements such as the theme, the guest, the Q&A portion, and additional resources.

Historically, our marketing emails have been the primary driver of conversions for Jam Sessions, consistently accounting for approximately 60% of the total number.

This underscores the effectiveness of targeted email campaigns in generating interest and engagement among our audience, ultimately leading to a higher attendance rate for our sessions.

Nurturing workflow

Seizing the opportunity right after a conversion is an ideal moment to initiate a meaningful conversation with the lead. After all, this person has just expressed their interest in something created by you, your brand, or your company.

It’s essential to reciprocate that interest and demonstrate your genuine engagement.

One effective way to accomplish this is by enrolling the contact in an email nurturing workflow. In the initial email, extend your gratitude and enthusiasm for their interest, providing them with relevant details and essential links.

Then, curate a series of well-timed emails to enhance their overall experience.

Depending on the theme of the interview, I share valuable resources, tips, hacks, free credits, tutorials, and other educational content, aiming to empower and educate the contact further.

By doing so, I often come across individuals who are actively seeking solutions that Rock Content can provide. I foster their progression within my sales cycle while building a fruitful business relationship. 

Dedicated blog post

Throughout the promotional season, registrants for our Jam Sessions are given the opportunity to submit their questions to our guest.

Initially, these questions were exclusively reserved for the live session. However, after incorporating the additional promo week, I began featuring them in a dedicated blog post, complete with the guest’s insightful answers.

In the article, I carefully curate exclusive questions that were not addressed during the live session, ensuring that the experience extends to those who are genuinely interested. This powerful intersection of inquiries and solutions is at the core of effective marketing strategies.

Social media

Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity to make your content evergreen, ensuring its longevity and continued relevance. In my experience, when promoting a Jam Session, I leverage regular static posts along with engaging videos featuring teasers from our guest, generating anticipation for the upcoming conversation.

After the broadcast, I found that video shorts extracted from the session itself perform exceptionally well, captivating the audience and driving engagement.

Moreover, social media platforms have proven to be highly effective for customer service and sales initiatives. According to the 2023 State of Marketing Report, 29% of marketers are already harnessing the power of social media for these purposes. 

This statistic highlights the growing recognition of social media’s immense potential as a versatile channel that enables direct interaction with customers, facilitates sales conversions, and fosters meaningful connections with the target audience.

As far as the interviews, they have become a cornerstone of my marketing success, enabling me to engage with my audience on multiple fronts. As I continue to evolve my strategy, I remain committed to leveraging interviews as a powerful tool in driving success and fostering meaningful connections with my audience.

Do you want to continue to be updated with Marketing best practices? I strongly suggest that you subscribe to The Beat, Rock Content’s interactive newsletter. We cover all the trends that matter in the Digital Marketing landscape. See you there!

The post Crash Course on How I Use Interviews to Drive Marketing Success appeared first on Rock Content.
