Marketing Archives - Rock Content Content Marketing Tue, 31 Oct 2023 12:56:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marketing Archives - Rock Content 32 32 ‘Integrated marketing creates efficiency within your teams for planning and distribution, removes silos within the organization, and maximizes impact in the market, ’ Says the VP of Marketing at Aircall Tue, 24 Oct 2023 19:48:49 +0000 In today’s digital landscape, the most common scenario is an overwhelming amount of advertising and marketing efforts as brands compete for our attention. To truly make an impact and drive results, brands need to find a way to rise above the marketing cacophony. So, the question arises: How can one cut through this noise? Enters […]

The post ‘Integrated marketing creates efficiency within your teams for planning and distribution, removes silos within the organization, and maximizes impact in the market, ’ Says the VP of Marketing at Aircall appeared first on Rock Content.

In today’s digital landscape, the most common scenario is an overwhelming amount of advertising and marketing efforts as brands compete for our attention.

To truly make an impact and drive results, brands need to find a way to rise above the marketing cacophony.

So, the question arises: How can one cut through this noise? Enters integrated marketing.

When you seamlessly integrate your communication, you have the power to craft a compelling narrative for your audience, leaving no room for uncertainty. It’s the art of making your marketing efforts work together effortlessly, resulting in more significant results and a stronger brand presence in the market.

“Integrated Marketing is creating a cohesive marketing strategy where all of your teams are aligned to a unified message” Lisa Vecchio, VP of Marketing at Aircall, points out. 

She is our guest at our next Jam Session, Rock Content’s free webinar to help Marketing and sales professionals rock their business. You can save your spot for free here

The specialist has told us some of the topics you will see at the Jam Session. Check out!

Rock Content: Can you summarize, in a few words, what integrated marketing is and its benefits for brands and businesses?

Lisa Vecchio: Integrated Marketing is creating a cohesive marketing strategy where all of your teams are aligned to a unified message. It creates efficiency within your teams for planning and distribution, removes silos within the organization, and maximises impact in the market – showing up as one brand, with one message, across the channel ecosystem.  

RC: What are the key essentials that professionals need for effective integrated marketing?

LV:  For effective integrated marketing you can break it down as such: 

  • A clear planning process that creates alignment and sets expectations amongst marketing teams, with clear owners, responsibilities, and timelines 
  • An agreed-upon set of objectives and KPIs to build your strategy from
  • A 360 marketing strategy, that puts your customer at the center of it, in order to achieve the outlined goals. 
  • Stakeholder alignment on the strategy (from LT to sales/CS partners to your wider mktg org)
  • A digestible messaging framework, that can be leveraged across your content and channel distribution across the funnel 
  • Effective communication and project management

RC: What are the most common mistakes that marketers make when implementing integrated marketing?

LV: Silos can be the biggest challenge, and therefore stakeholder alignment. Change management will be key and it can require education (over-communication), sharing examples of what good looks like, clear roles & responsibilities, and lots of check-ins. 

Don’t expect to get it right the first time; build upon your learnings and ensure you are always doing retros and post-mortems to learn from what works and doesn’t. Lean into both qualitative and quantitative feedback. 

Relationship and influence is key. There can often be a lot of inertia in teams or with individuals who may be used to having autonomy. Reinforce the benefits of why working in harmony is more impactful than working in silos. 

Remember – working as an integrated team shouldn’t take away from any team or individuals subject-matter expertise. In fact, it should enhance creativity and the ability for teams to add value, but in a more concentrated way that benefits the whole of the marketing org and business. 

RC: What else can readers expect from our Jam Session?

LV: Real life examples and pitfalls. Let’s not take ourselves too seriously and have a bit of fun!

Don’t stop here! If you want to learn more about the power of integrated marketing, don’t miss our upcoming Jam Session featuring Lisa Vecchio. Secure your free spot here.

The post ‘Integrated marketing creates efficiency within your teams for planning and distribution, removes silos within the organization, and maximizes impact in the market, ’ Says the VP of Marketing at Aircall appeared first on Rock Content.

Which Influencer Marketing Statistics Do You Need to Consider for 2024? Fri, 20 Oct 2023 09:56:00 +0000 Statistics about influencers show that influencer marketing can no longer stay out of your company’s strategies. If you don’t work with influencers yet, it’s time to understand how this type of partnership can boost your marketing results in 2022.

The post Which Influencer Marketing Statistics Do You Need to Consider for 2024? appeared first on Rock Content.

It has been a few years since influencers gained the spotlight in Digital Marketing. 

Instead of traditional media celebrities, brands started to entrust their campaigns to internet personalities with a loyal and engaged audience.

Now, statistics about influencers show that Influencer Marketing has already become part of companies’ strategies and is only growing. 

Still, it’s important to follow the evolution of influencers to understand how they can shape consumer behavior and the best ways to connect with them.

In this article, we explain what Influencer Marketing is and present the main Influencer Marketing statistics that you should consider for marketing in 2024. 

We’ll talk about the following topics:

    What is Influencer Marketing?

    Influencer Marketing happens when brands establish partnerships with digital influencers to associate their image with those personalities who endorse their products and connect with their consumers.

    This strategy gained relevance with the emergence of blogs and social networks in the Web 2.0 era, enabling anyone to publish content on the Internet.

    The first influencers, until then mere unknowns, emerged on blogs and vlogs, with authentic and entertaining content that engaged an audience. 

    Soon they became internationally known celebrities — see, for example, the success of names like Pewdiepie, Addison Rae, and Khaby Lame.

    In this same context, traditional advertising was challenged. With so much content to consume on the internet, why would people pay attention to a company’s ad, which usually interrupts their routine without asking permission?

    Therefore, brands started to adopt new strategies, more relevant and exciting to consumers, searching for their attention and trust

    Then, those web personalities who had credibility with their followers started to represent an effective way to connect with consumers in the digital age.

    Thus, partnerships between brands and influencers consolidated Influencer Marketing and a marketplace of services and tools — the Creator Economy — that help this type of partnership thrive.

    Why Hire Influencers for Your Marketing Strategy?

    Digital influencers are web content creators who build an engaged and loyal audience

    By hiring influencers for your marketing strategy, you can approach this audience with the trust and endorsement they convey.

    While the most well-known influencers have millions of followers, Influencer Marketing is increasingly turning to micro-influencers and nano-influencers, which allow you to increase brand reach and engagement within your niche.

    Numbers are impressive, but they are not decisive — what matters in Influencer Marketing is the relevance of influencers to the brand’s audience.

    Through authentic content, they reveal their lifestyle, show that they are real people, and get closer to their followers, unlike traditional media celebrities, who are distant from the public. 

    Digital influencers can shape the behaviors and preferences of their audience.

    Therefore, the interest of brands is to associate their image with those influencers and connect with their audience. This way, followers also come to trust the brands that the influencers endorse.

    What are the Key Influencer Marketing Statistics for 2024?

    Here, we have gathered some Influencer Marketing statistics that highlight how Influencer Marketing works and why so many companies invest in this strategy. 

    Keep on reading to understand why you should also invest in it in 2024.

    61% of consumers have been persuaded by influencer recommendations

    A study conducted by Business Wire in 2020 shows that social media influencers play an important role in helping brands connect with their audiences. 

    According to the survey, 61% of consumers rely on recommendations from digital influencers to make purchase decisions. Additionally, only 38% said to be likely to trust recommendations from a brand on social platforms.

    72% of Millenials and Gen Z follow influencers on social media

    There are influencers and followers of all niches and profiles, but the data from Morning Consult’s Influencer Report show that Millenials and Gen Z are the lead audiences. 

    In younger age groups, there’s also some disparity between women and men. Between the ages of 16 and 24, 33.1% of women follow influencers, compared to 25.1% of men. 

    Between the ages of 25 and 34, these rates change to 26.1% of women and 21.9% of men.

    Micro-influencers generate up to 60% more engagement than the big ones

    Do you think that big influencers dominate brand campaigns? Then you should know that micro-influencers are gaining space, and it is not a coincidence. 

    Their smaller but more focused audience favors the involvement of their followers.

    According to the report 2022 State of Influencer Marketing conducted by Klear, 91% of engagement on sponsored posts was with content created by micro-influencers. This represents a 2% growth in comparison to 2020.

    94% of Influencer Marketing campaigns include Instagram

    Do you know which channel is the most used in campaigns with influencers? If you said Instagram, you’re right!

    The social network is the darling of influencers and brands: 94% of Influencer Marketing campaigns include Instagram in their channels, according to data from the report 2022 State of Influencer Marketing conducted by Klear.

    Facebook also has a strong presence, appearing in 43% of the campaigns. Then comes TikTok (13%) ahead of YouTube (10%), which may indicate a trend of preference of brands for shorter videos.

    Platforms used in ad campaigns in 2021

    89% of marketers engaging with influencer marketing will increase or maintain the investiment in upcoming years

    According to Research and Markets, the Influencer Marketing industry reached the impressive mark of $10.24 billion in 2021. 

    However, this is nothing compared to their prediction of the size this market will reach by 2028: $84.89 billion.

    In light of this anticipation, a survey conducted for this study also showed that marketing professionals plan to increase the budget for actions with digital influencers in 2022, and the tendency is for this share to continue expanding.

    90% of marketers believe Influencer Marketing is an effective strategy

    If the numbers above still haven’t convinced you that Influencer Marketing deserves a place in your strategy, listen to what marketers are saying.

    According to the Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report 2021, 90% of marketing professionals believe Influencer Marketing is effective. 

    This means that working with influencers tends to boost your marketing results, improve your relationship with your audience, and bring a positive return on investment.

    Marketers believe Influencer Marketing is an effective strategy

    How Do You Hire Good Influencers?

    Given these statistics, you may now be wondering how to hire good influencers for your campaigns. 

    Let’s look at some tips for your brand to successfully enter the Influencer Marketing universe!

    1. Don’t focus on the number of followers

    The number of influencers’ followers usually draws the attention of brands, which want to know the potential reach of their campaigns. 

    However, having a large audience does not mean that an influencer has really good engagement rates and power of influence.

    When looking for influencers in the market, it is more important to understand if they have the trust of their followers, how they relate to them, and if they really are an inspiration to their audience.

    2. Find influencers who are aligned with your brand values

    In addition to understanding the relevance of influencers to your audience, it is also important to evaluate more subjective factors that are not in reach and engagement numbers.

    Look for influencers who have values and principles aligned with those of your brand. 

    Remember that when you partner with them, their image is associated with your branding. So, evaluate their background and reputation to understand if they are in tune with what your brand stands for.

    3. Choose influencers who like your brand and your product

    It may seem obvious, but it’s important to pay attention to this: work with influencers who actually like your brand and your product.

    The public notices when a brand recommendation is genuine because the influencer actually liked what they consumed. 

    On the other hand, if there is no affinity with the product, the content doesn’t seem authentic. 

    In this scenario, the influencer could lose their credibility and become unable to exercise their power of influence.

    4. Go beyond your bubble

    Many influencers have power within a niche. 

    You may not even know them, have never heard of them, but they have loyal followers who can be interesting to your brand and potential buyers of your products.

    So be careful not to stay just within your internet bubble. Analyze influencers from the perspective of your buyer persona and understand which profiles are important to them. 

    There are many more influential names than you think.

    5. Research influencers’ reputations

    Being an influencer is no longer a hobby. For many people, it is a profession and, as such, it requires professionalism. 

    High-profile influencers even work with media companies who represent them in negotiations.

    So, to hire good influencers, investigate their reputation in past campaigns.

    Find out if they meet deadlines and follow contract guidelines, if they are available to talk and negotiate, or if they have had problems with other brands. 

    This can help you avoid a lot of trouble.

    6. Understand which channels are important to your audience

    In the statistics about influencers we presented in this article, you have already noticed that Instagram is the preferred social network and that TikTok has been growing. 

    However, more important than knowing the most popular channels is understanding which ones are the most attractive to your audience.

    Also, notice in which channels influencers have more relevance. 

    Some may be well known on Instagram, for example. But if you need to increase your reach on Twitter because that is where your audience is, you should look for relevant influencers on this social network.

    7. Have a specific strategy and budget for Influencer Marketing

    If you want to get serious about Influencer Marketing, you need to have a dedicated strategy and budget specifically for influencers integrated into the overall brand strategy.

    It is common for companies only to call an influencer to participate in one-off campaigns without connecting with the brand and the audience. 

    However, the involvement becomes much more significant when the brand reaches the influencer with a robust proposal that has a strategy behind it.

    Many times, this kind of partnership leads to influencers becoming brand ambassadors

    Basically, they become the brand’s face, developing a longer and deeper relationship with it, and building a stronger emotional connection with consumers.

    Plan your 2022 marketing budget

    8. Consider different possibilities

    Influencer Marketing originated with those influencers who are content creators on the Internet. However, the concept of digital influencers has broadened and now includes many other personalities.

    In recent years, new types of influencers have emerged and can be part of your campaigns:

    • Athlete influencers who became popular in the context of the Tokyo Olympics, such as Simone Biles and Tom Daley.
    • Virtual influencers, which are non-human influencers, created with computer graphics and artificial intelligence, such as Noonoouri and Satiko.
    • Employee influencers, which are the company’s own employees exerting influence on consumers and new talents.

    Wrap Up

    Now you know some of the main Influencer Marketing statistics that prove the power of this strategy, and you know how to hire good influencers for your campaigns.

    Influencer Marketing can no longer be seen as a trend for 2024 because it has already been consolidated in marketing strategies worldwide. 

    But keep in mind, this market is constantly evolving, with new strategies, channels and profiles entering the scene regularly.

    So, always keep an eye on the data and Influencer Marketing statistics to follow the evolution of this trend. 

    And, if you want to dive deeper into the topic, check out our article on the role of AI Influencers in Digital Marketing!

    The post Which Influencer Marketing Statistics Do You Need to Consider for 2024? appeared first on Rock Content.

    How to Implement SEO Topic Clusters and Pillar Pages for Improved Content Organization and SEO Results Thu, 19 Oct 2023 12:36:28 +0000 The general advice on how to create topic clusters and pillar pages hasn’t shifted in the last decade. So, if you’re on this blog, you might get the same advice here too.  However, there’s one primary benefit of being on the Rock Content blog as opposed to the other websites — we’ve corroborated our facts […]

    The post How to Implement SEO Topic Clusters and Pillar Pages for Improved Content Organization and SEO Results appeared first on Rock Content.

    The general advice on how to create topic clusters and pillar pages hasn’t shifted in the last decade. So, if you’re on this blog, you might get the same advice here too. 

    However, there’s one primary benefit of being on the Rock Content blog as opposed to the other websites — we’ve corroborated our facts from experts and gotten advice from them on how to ensure your topic clusters and pillar pages‌ drive fruitful results. 

    If your main aim is to learn how to not only create topic clusters and pillar pages but how to create them so that you improve your search engine optimization (SEO) and enhance user experience, you’re on the right page!

    Step 1: Identify User Intent and Select a Pillar Topic With Broad Intent

    First thing first — you’ll need to begin researching to understand the kind of content your audience wants to read. SEMRush suggests considering things like:

    • What type of topics has your target audience liked historically? 
    • What are the things they care about? [You can find out this data by using social listening tools]
    • What pillar topics are my competitors focusing on? [Emily Onkey, CMO at Aplos, suggests beginning with a competitive content analysis of your competitor’s highest-performing content containing the keywords you want to target.]
    • Which type of content is important for my brand? 

    Once that’s done, create a list of topics you think can become a pillar and figure out if you can contribute enough information to each cluster and create a strategy around it. 

    On the strategy side of things, consider questions like, would you create different content pieces for different topic clusters and keywords, or would you create one type of content to satisfy the search intent of different topic clusters? 

    For example, when faced with this question, Drift, a B2B conversational platform, went ahead with the latter option. 

    Two different pages by Drift written on similar topics

    Image Source 

    Maya Kislykh, content marketing manager at, said the pillar topics should have informational search intent, traffic potential, and should maintain a broad scope. She ideally suggests targeting long-tail keywords with a keyword difficulty score between 0–12.  

    Step 2: Shortlist Topic Clusters for the Pillar and Create Quality Content

    Once you’re done identifying the pillar page topic, then comes the task of finding topic clusters and planning content. We suggest using keyword research tools from SEMRush, Ahrefs, SE Ranking, Moz, Keyword Planner, etc., to make the process easier. 

    The goal? Identify the main topics that your audience is interested in. Then, create comprehensive guides or resources for each one. 

    For example, if you are a pet-related website, you might have a pillar page about pet health and wellness, and then create topic clusters around subtopics such as pet nutrition, pet grooming, pet training, and the cost of pet insurance.

    Example of a pillar page nad topic cluster.

    Image Source

    Each topic cluster should link back to the pillar page and other relevant topic clusters, creating a web of interlinked content that covers the main topic in depth. This way, you can provide value to your readers, boost your authority on the topic, and improve your SEO rankings.

    Focusing on related topics like these shows search engines that you have authority and expertise, pushing your posts further, thus increasing your SEO score. 

    With that being said, some experts also said to ignore topics that don’t directly satisfy the burning questions of your customers/leads or showcase the importance of your product/service. 

    Charlotte Chamblin, the content strategist at Tao Digital Marketing, shared a few pointers on how to create topic clusters:

    • Start with one. Focus on a single hub, using keyword and query research tools to dive deep into a range of short-term FAQs and long-tail, low-volume queries. 
    • Filter your chosen content into TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU, and start by creating pieces from a mix of the, uploading, and indexing as soon as possible.
    • Ensure every page is internally linked to the pillar page/s and to other supportive content wherever possible (but only where it makes sense). The more in-depth the hub, the more authoritative your site will be in Google’s, and users, eyes. 
    • Expect a hub to be a minimum of 20 pieces, but this can very easily triple or more for larger topics.

    In an article published by Wix SEO Hub, Jonas Sicker, an SEO thought leader, suggested creating spreadsheets for topic clusters that include blog category, topic cluster name, blog post topic, and keywords listed in it to ensure all your data stays in one place. 

    Just a friendly PSA: When it comes to strategizing, you should first identify the pillar posts and then shortlist topic clusters. But when you’re in the middle of execution, experts like Charlotte have suggested creating content for topic clusters first and then building up the pillar posts. 

    And when you start to do that, think of all the ways you can beat competition for the same topic. Aka, what can you do more than them to grab the attention of your readers? Here are a few suggestions: 

    • Add your zing of expertise (i.e., what topics can you write about or what insights can you share that your competitors won’t be able to?).
    • Focus on buyer intent instead of promoting your product/service.
    • Share your unique brand story and/or experiences.
    • Have a tone of voice, style guide, and company branding different from your competitors.
    • Employ writing best practices (structure, hooks, use of easy words, etc.).
    • Using smart copywriting techniques (consider the example below).
    Tweet on a smart way to stop people clicking on your competition on SERP

    Image Source

    Step 3: Begin Linking — Both Internally and Externally

    If you link internally, you improve the user experience for your readers (think of all the times you went doom-scrolling on Wikipedia because of their interlinking strategy) and reduce the bounce rate. 

    Example from SEM Rush on topic cluster linking

    Image Source

    If you add a link externally, it shows the search engine (and the reader) the topic was well-researched. 

    A good mix of internal and external links eventually improves your SEO score, as the algorithm accounts for how credible your content is depending on the places you link it to. 

    But how does it help from an SEO standpoint? Internal links build a solid site architecture to aid search engine spiders in efficiently discovering and indexing your content. 

    By organizing your website through topic clusters, you provide a clear and logical structure, making it easier for search engines to recognize the relevance and authority of your content within the broader topic you choose.

    An excellent example of this strategy in action is MOS, a money app tailored for students. They effectively leverage topic clusters by creating compelling content that revolves around various topics of interest to students, such as “how to write a financial aid appeal letter.” 

    Within this central theme, MOS develops sub-contents, covering subjects like:

    • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA)
    • Financial aid award letters
    • Appealing the financial decision

    Image Source

    By strategically interlinking these articles and pages, MOS ensures that search engines recognize the depth and breadth of their expertise on financial aid. 

    When linking, some of the best practices you can follow are:

    • Ensuring the link topic and the anchor text satisfy the same search intent.
    • Considering hierarchy when you link to a different page (e.g. if you introduce jargon in a blog, link to “what is jargon” instead of “difference between jargon and another jargon). 
    • Avoiding excessive links (the crawl limit on a page is 100). 
    • Linking to the pages you want to rank higher. 

    Step 4: Address Other Parts of Content Creation to Boost SEO Score

    Hire a content writer to create the best and top-quality content. And once you write the content, your work doesn’t end there. You need to also focus on data storytelling to ensure you do justice to the written content. 

    What does this mean, you ask? You’ll need to ensure you:

    • Add an appropriate amount of visuals like pictures, infographics, charts, and QR codes to make the reader understand the topic. 
    • Keep structural issues in mind when publishing content (readers love to skim content and will usually only read the headlines). Also, many readers are now opting to read content on their mobile phones — so content has to be mobile-friendly too. 
    • Hone in on the requirements of technical SEO best practices. 
    • The content isn’t just valuable but also engaging (consider things like does it have a conversational tone, is easy to read, and has added examples and insights?)
    • Have adhered to accessibility standards, so everyone can easily access it. 

    Step 5: Regularly Test and Update Your Old Content

    Suppose you’ve gone through the whole nine yards of figuring out a pillar post, identifying topic clusters, creating content, linking to it, and adhering to the other different parts of content creation — now, the next task up the list is to regularly test and update the content. 

    This may be two-fold as you’ll need to:

    1. Understand the SERP ranking for each topic, figure out the bounce rate, perceive audience reaction, and keep a close eye on the overall metrics.
    1. Refresh the content, as the stats or examples you may have used would have become dated.  

    Once you grow your website and scale your content capacity, it’s easy to get lost behind the ideation and content creation process of new topics. However, refreshing old content can help you boost your credibility and SEO rankings. You’re only as strong as your weakest blog post. And pruning an old piece of content can boost your organic traffic tenfold. 

    Besides, you’ll also end up finding out which topics customers enjoy most and which are the most convert-worthy, and you can then write about similar topics and even think about creating and scheduling Instagram posts about them.

    Publish Content That Gets Noticed With Rock Content

    As a company that primarily helps ‌content marketers, there’s no one better than us to understand the importance of content organization and SEO results — and that’s because our customers have voiced concerns about both topics before they opted to subscribe to our services. 

    If you, too, are left scratching your head, wondering how and when you’ll begin and end the process of creating relevant content for your topic clusters such that it converts, you couldn’t have arrived at a better place than this — because that’s exactly what we do here. 

    Regardless of your content creation challenges, we have a solution for you here — for example, our portal WriterAccess will partner you with the best freelancers, we have consultants who can address and alleviate your doubts, and our Studio solution will allow you to collaborate with your all your team members and stakeholders in real-time!

    Are you ready to climb the search engine rankings?

    About the author

    Catalina Grigoriev is an incurable optimist with a bubbly personality. That’s what my colleagues say. Secret mission: cat lover disguised as a dog person. An ex-law student who switched to the digital marketing lane. Currently delving into the depths of SEO and content marketing at Planable.

    The post How to Implement SEO Topic Clusters and Pillar Pages for Improved Content Organization and SEO Results appeared first on Rock Content.

    October Google Core Update: What we know so far and how we’re taking it Fri, 13 Oct 2023 21:30:17 +0000 It was no longer enough to March core update, in August and the September Helpful Content, Google officially announced yet another core algorithm update, just two months after its update: the Google Core October Update. Yes! The major updates will gain a name, after all, the algorithm is being updated constantly than before. And if […]

    The post October Google Core Update: What we know so far and how we’re taking it appeared first on Rock Content.

    It was no longer enough to March core update, in August and the September Helpful Content, Google officially announced yet another core algorithm update, just two months after its update: the Google Core October Update.

    Yes! The major updates will gain a name, after all, the algorithm is being updated constantly than before.

    And if this news took you by surprise(and you don’t sign the The Beat), your website traffic is probably already suffering. Marketers and entrepreneurs who are prepared and connected to what’s new in content marketing are not anxious about each Google newsletter, as they are already delivering quality content to their buyer persona.

    Did you want a summary of what I’m going to cover in this article? It’s simple: producing quality content for your buyer persona!

    In this article, we dive into what we know so far about this October update and how Rock Content views Google’s core algorithm updates. If you want to be one step ahead in SEO strategies and understand the possible impacts of this change, keep reading.

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    What is the October Google Core Update?

    On 10/05, Google officially announced yet another major algorithm update. This means that Google has made a new significant overhaul to its algorithm classification of search results, to improve the quality of information available on the web.

    Source: Twitter

    The announcement took place on X, announcing that the distribution deadline for this update is two weeks, according to the company.

    What are the possible impacts of this new major update?

    It’s difficult to predict this update’s focus when Google doesn’t release further details. In the case of Helpful Content, the article giving details about the update was published along with the announcement on the page of incidents.

    Source: Google

    In the announcement of this new major update, the attached page links to the page that explains what the major updates are.

    To make matters worse, another update is happening at the same time: the October 2023 Spam Update. This fact makes it difficult for experts to analyze, as the impact on traffic could be due to any of the updates.

    What we can try to do is conjecture the focus of the October core update by looking at previous communications. For example, take a look at the Helpful Content Update announcement timeline below:

    2022 How to create useful, authoritative, people-first content: the page about useful content was created and this is not the time when Google talks about prioritizing the reader when creating content.

    08/18/2022 – article about “What Content Creators Need to Know About Google’s August 2022 Useful Content Update”.

    04/19/2023The role of page experience in creating useful content: The topic of useful content came back in this article, even when the topic focused on page experience.

    09/14/2023Google Search useful content system and your website: and finally the update announcement came.

    Now, if we look at Google’s announcements in parallel to the announcements about useful content and spam, we have:

    12/15/2022Our latest update to quality rater guidelines: E-A-T receives an additional E for Experience.

    04/19/2023 – I already talked about the article “The role of page experience in creating useful content” bringing news about user experience to Google Search Console reports.

    05/10/2023INP presentation for Core Web Vitals: company announcement about a big change to Core Web Vitals, switching FID by INP.

    10/05/2023 – October 2023 core update: announcement of this core update, with the same five months between an article and the Helpful Content update.

    Will we see greater attention to user experience in the coming years? This is just conjecture, but experience has already impacted SEO and they are not looking at it as they should.

    How does Rock Content view Google algorithm updates?

    Quality content for the buyer persona

    The first thing I need to tell you is that Rockers don’t tremble when faced with Google’s update announcements. This is because, even though Rock produces content at scale, we are focused on quality.

    And search engine updates are nothing more than an incentive for all of us to organize information. To achieve this, the information needs to be: reliable, accessible, and pleasant for the user to absorb.

    Examples of this in our operation are the evaluation system for our talents that provides feedback from entrepreneurs and experts to improve content. And the training of our team that never stops training the best professionals on the market.

    Observing trends in content marketing

    Although we focus on the quality of the text, other technical elements that arise with Google updates enable us to increase the performance of the blogs we manage.

    For example, a few years ago people didn’t look at updates to old content as much as they do today. Mature blogs tend to have articles that are essential for traffic, but that are more than two years old. Over time, if they are not updated, they will lose relevance, as Google understands that that information is outdated.

    Nowadays, updates are a common practice in our content strategy.

    Rockers produce content, create training and webinars, test new strategies and to this end, consuming news and being aware of trends is part of our routine. And looking at Google updates is nothing more than a sign of where we should pay attention.

    The golden tip here is to anticipate these main updates, monitoring web traffic volatility.

    Bet on experience

    I am a “user experience bore” and I am deeply bothered by blogs that take a long time to load, fill my screen with pop-ups, or have usability defects. One time I was reading blog content and noticed the text scrolling up by itself. How does this company want me to stay on their blog?

    With some frequency, Rock consultants observe improvements in experience and technical SEO that need attention, otherwise, no miracle content can be saved.

    One of the ways that Rock found to innovate in experience is to change the way content is consumed. With interactive content, we deliver engagement and connection with the public.

    So what can we say we learned after reading this? The Core Google updates are not a big deal.

    Remember to monitor trends, anticipate updates, and track traffic volatility. This text summary highlights the importance of remaining agile and quality-focused in an ever-evolving SEO environment. See you in the next update!

    Do you want to stay tuned with the best Marketing practices? Then, sign up for The Beat, Rock Content’s interactive newsletter. There, you will find all the trends that matter in the Digital Marketing scenario. I’ll see you there!

    The post October Google Core Update: What we know so far and how we’re taking it appeared first on Rock Content.

    How can AI Content Wizard empower education companies to produce blog content? Fri, 13 Oct 2023 18:25:45 +0000 Content marketing is essential for the online positioning of any company, regardless of its segment of activity. It’s what will guarantee that your brand will appear in search results when the user asks a question related to your business.  Without it, you may become completely dependent on pay-per-click (PPC) or other paid media channels and […]

    The post How can AI Content Wizard empower education companies to produce blog content? appeared first on Rock Content.

    Content marketing is essential for the online positioning of any company, regardless of its segment of activity. It’s what will guarantee that your brand will appear in search results when the user asks a question related to your business. 

    Without it, you may become completely dependent on pay-per-click (PPC) or other paid media channels and we all know that may not be the best long-term strategy.

    Education companies are no exception to that. 

    Just think for a second: Those looking for a good education are always concerned about making the best investment, right? After all, it will reflect on someone’s lifetime development. 

    This is where your institution needs to show that it is an authority on this subject and beat the competitors. Producing quality content is essential for attracting and converting leads, as well as building relationships with customers and partners.

    However, it can also be a complex and time-consuming task. You need to dedicate time and effort to research relevant topics, write compelling articles, and optimize content for search engines. 

    And although we truly believe that a human touch is indispensable here, AI can be a real helper in optimizing your process. 

    Let me guide you through how you can use AI to empower the content production of your education company.

    Enter AI Content Wizard, WriterAccess’ AI feature

    Well, to start, there are several AI tools that can help education companies in content production. However, if you want to be sure you’re relying on real and trustworthy data and getting efficient and personalized results, my first tip is to search for AI tools specifically designed to assist with SEO and content creation.

    Allow me to recommend a solid one: AI Content Wizard, an artificial intelligence resource recently launched by Rock Content’s content marketing platform, WriterAccess

    The promise is simple: to help you find content opportunities and scale content production without compromising quality, regardless of your niche or market.

    How is this possible? By joining forces. Combining the most modern resources of artificial intelligence with the full potential of human creativity. 

    With a few inputs, such as your website domain and the audience’s location, AI Content Wizard performs an initial web scan and finds information about your business, including:

    • Your industry/segment of activity.
    • Your main search engine competitors (e.g., Google, etc.).
    • Relevant keywords with search volume and a difficulty indicator.

    Next, by providing some more details about your audience, you will also receive suggestions for topics that will help define the focus of your strategy

    So, just to confirm, click “send,” and abracadabra! You will have complete article guidelines distributed by theme (I show below how it works in practice).

    Read also: How can the AI Content Wizard be used to craft ideas and create efficient content outlines?

    Then, mark the ones you agree with, validate, and request their production directly on the platform if you want. The production order is generated instantly for the platform’s human writers, and you can follow the entire process until delivery, receiving the content one by one, ready for validation and publication on your blog.

    How can AI Content Wizard help education companies in content production?

    The AI Content Wizard can be a great ally for education marketing, as the tool can find gaps in your strategy and understand topics that are still relatively unexplored. 

    This will significantly streamline the process, yielding great benefits such as:

    • Increased productivity: The tool can generate content quickly and easily, saving time and resources that can be directed toward more strategic tasks. Your team will appreciate this!
    • Improved content quality: The AI Content Wizard is based on a machine learning algorithm that has been trained on a vast dataset of text and code. By specifying details of the target audience (e.g., “potential students of a language course” and “parents of students preparing for entrance exams”), it is possible to obtain extremely relevant guidelines that align with the focus of your strategy.
    • AI + Human Creativity: With just a few inputs, you can have concise guidelines generated by AI. However, it’s important to remember that AI is here to enhance the production process, not to “robotize” content and compromise the reader’s experience (and your results). 

    That’s why Rock Content also relies on our fantastic team of human writers, specialists in the education industry and other areas, who can elevate the quality of your content.

    Now that you’ve understood how AI Content Wizard works, enough chatting. Let’s see how this AI can assist education companies in content production. 

    Ideas for using AI Content Wizard to generate Education guidelines

    Let’s see how this works in practice! I’ll use a real language school as an example (with its name hidden for confidentiality reasons) so you can see how the AI ​​Content Wizard works.

    1. First, you need to enter your domain and country that your audience is located in:
    1. Next, you’ll see some competitors that fit your business profile. 

    As you can see, in this example the AI identified my industry (Language Resources/Foreign Language Resources) based on my domain, and showed a list of possible competitors:


    Here you can select the options that make the most sense or add new ones, and then move on to the next step.

    1. Choose keywords that make the most sense or add new ones:

    The AI Content Wizard will generate a list of keywords based on both your data and that of your competitors, along with information about the search volume and indexation difficulty of each.

    In this example, I’ve selected the following keywords:

    • Months in Spanish
    • Rocket Languages
    • Indirect and direct object pronouns in Spanish

    Additionally, I included the keyword ‘Spanish for business’ because it aligns with my business strategy.

    1. Provide more details about your audience:

    In order for the AI to create truly compelling content outlines for you, it’s important to briefly describe your target audience. Who do you want to reach with your content?

    If you haven’t developed a buyer persona yet or if you have doubts about your target audience, WriterAccess offers another AI tool that can assist you: the AI Persona Builder

    You can use the AI Persona Builder to gain insights into your audience before returning to the AI Content Wizard to complete your content outlines.

    However, if you already have a clear understanding of your persona, just provide the information at this step and proceed to the results in step 5.

    1. Wait a few minutes and see ready-made ideas for your content strategy.

    The AI Content Wizard suggested three themes:

    • Spanish for Business Professionals 
    • Spanish Grammar: Indirect and Direct Object Pronouns
    • Greetings and Basic Conversational Phrases in Multiple Languages

    For each one, the AI provided me with a content outline ready to be used. You can mark the ideas you agree with or discard them and request new ones. Then, simply click ‘next’ to proceed with production. You have the option to either save the content outline to write the content in-house or place an order with one of the 15,000 writers in the WriterAccess talent pool. 

    Easy, right?

    Let’s explore some other examples of how education companies in various markets can leverage the AI Content Wizard to create effective guidelines:

    Undergraduate Education:

    • Attraction: generating varied articles on career trends, study tips, and career information.
    • Consideration and Conversion: information about the courses offered and their differences.

    Language school:

    • Attraction: generating content on how to learn a new language and pronunciation tips.
    • Consideration and Conversion: information on methodologies highlighting the main differences of your language school.

    Online Education Platform:

    • Attraction: generating content on different educational topics, such as choosing a college or how to prepare for a job interview.
    • Consideration and Conversion: content on the advantages of distance learning and courses offered.

    Elementary and High School Education:

    • Attraction: choosing the best school for your child or how to help your child with difficulties in specific subjects.
    • Consideration and Conversion: content about the values ​​and differences of your institution.


    As we have seen, the AI ​​Content Wizard is a powerful tool that can evolve your blog content production quickly, easily, and effectively. It offers a variety of resources that can be customized to meet the specific needs of different niches in the education segment, considering the consumer journey.

    In addition to significantly increasing the productivity of your marketing team, it will be possible to further increase your brand’s authority as an educational company that understands what it is talking about.

    To further empower your strategy, discover other WriterAccess AI resources such as AI Persona Builder, AI Content Idea Generator, AI Sentiment Score and Human Editing for AI Content.

    Final tip: WriterAccess allows you to test the platform for 14 days for free. To learn more, simply click here.

    The post How can AI Content Wizard empower education companies to produce blog content? appeared first on Rock Content.

    Essential Customer Interview Questions for Engaging Case Studies Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:52:00 +0000 Case studies are a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal, capable of highlighting your successes and showcasing your ability to deliver results. However, their effectiveness highly depends on the nature of the customer interview questions you ask.  What are the right questions to ask in a case study interview?  The questions will largely depend on […]

    The post Essential Customer Interview Questions for Engaging Case Studies appeared first on Rock Content.

    Case studies are a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal, capable of highlighting your successes and showcasing your ability to deliver results. However, their effectiveness highly depends on the nature of the customer interview questions you ask. 

    What are the right questions to ask in a case study interview? 

    The questions will largely depend on your specific industry, the client’s experience, and the objectives of the case study. However, there are a few standout questions that can universally help to paint a vivid picture of your success. 

    Curious to know what these are? Stay tuned as we explore the top customer interview questions to help you craft a standout case study.

    Why Should You Mind Your Customer Interview Questions?

    Customer interview questions form the backbone of any successful case study. They act as a window into the customer’s experience, allowing businesses to gain deep insights into how their product or service has positively impacted the customer. 

    The right set of customer interview questions can provide you with:

    • Valuable data, which can be used to improve their offerings, and foster better relationships with your customers. 
    • Unravel stories that can become powerful testimonials that have the potential to connect with potential customers on an emotional level. 
    •  Reveal what sets you apart from your competitors in the eyes of your customers. 
    • Show that you value customer feedback and are committed to understanding their needs and exceeding their expectations. 

    This not only boosts customer satisfaction but also builds trust and loyalty, ultimately driving customer retention and business growth. This information is critical in shaping marketing strategies and positioning your brand effectively in the market. 

    Determining What Questions to Ask in a Case Study Interview

    Crafting the right questions for a case study interview is an art that requires careful consideration. Key areas to cover include the client’s problem before using your solution, their decision-making process, the implementation, and the results.

    You need to understand the customer’s pain points before they implemented your solution. Ask questions such as, 

    • What challenges were you facing?
    • How were these challenges affecting your business?

    These queries help you delve into the difficulties your customer faced, capturing the ‘before’ picture crucial for drawing your audience into the narrative. 

    The second aspect to explore is the decision-making process. These questions not only highlight why the customer chose your product but also give insights into their expectations. 

    You might ask,

    •  What made our solution stand out?
    • What were you hoping to achieve with our product?

    Such questions help you understand your customer’s decision-making mindset while subtly highlighting the unique selling points of your product or service. 

    Lastly, questions about the implementation and results achieved bring the case study to a satisfying conclusion. Here, you should ask, 

    • How was the experience of implementing our solution?
    • Can you share some specific results you’ve noticed since using our product?

    These questions create a ‘before and after’ picture, underscoring the value and effectiveness of your solution. In essence, understanding what questions to ask in a case study interview is about capturing the customer’s journey. 

    By focusing on their challenges, decision-making process, and results achieved, you can create compelling case studies that resonate with your audience.

    35 Customer Interview Questions for a Standout Case Study

    The art of crafting a standout case study lies mainly in the quality of the questions you ask during the customer interview. Your goal should be to extract in-depth, honest, and compelling responses that will resonate with your target audience. 

    Understanding the Customer’s Background and Context

    • Industry Background: Can you provide an overview of your industry and your company’s position within it?
    • Company Objectives: What were the specific goals and objectives your company aimed to achieve before implementing our product/service?
    • Challenges Faced: What challenges or pain points were you experiencing that led you to seek a solution?
    • Existing Solutions: Were there any existing solutions in place before considering our product/service? If yes, what were the shortcomings of those solutions?
    • Budget and Resources: What budget constraints or resource limitations did your company have during the decision-making process?

    Experience with the Product/Service

    • Initial Impressions: What were your first impressions upon using our product/service?
    • Ease of Use: How user-friendly did you find our product/service, and did it require extensive training for your team?
    • Notable Features: Were there specific features of our product/service that stood out to you and were particularly beneficial?
    • User Adoption: How quickly did your team adopt and integrate our product/service into their daily operations?
    • Support and Communication: How would you rate our support and communication during the implementation phase?

    Comparisons and Decision-Making

    • Competitor Analysis: Did you evaluate similar products/services from our competitors? What made you choose our offering over theirs?
    • Unique Selling Points: Which specific aspects of our product/service convinced you that it was the best choice for your needs?
    • Feedback from Colleagues: Were there opinions or feedback from your colleagues or team members that influenced your decision?
    • Long-Term Viability: What factors led you to believe that our product/service would be a sustainable solution for your company in the long run?
    • Decision-Making Team: Can you elaborate on the roles and perspectives of the key decision-makers in your organization during the selection process?

    Implementation and Support

    • Implementation Process: How was the experience of implementing our product/service into your existing systems and processes?
    • Training and Support: Did your team require additional training or support during the implementation phase? How was it provided?
    • Integration Challenges: Were there any challenges faced while integrating our product/service with your existing tools or technologies?
    • Technical Assistance: How responsive and effective was our technical support team in addressing any issues that arose during implementation?
    • Customization and Adaptability: Were there specific customization options that our team provided to tailor the product/service to your company’s unique requirements?

    Impact and Results

    • Tangible Results: Can you share specific metrics or data points that demonstrate the positive impact of our product/service on your business objectives?
    • Efficiency Improvements: How has our product/service improved efficiency or streamlined processes within your organization?
    • Cost Savings: Have you noticed any significant cost savings or reductions in operational expenses since implementing our product/service?
    • Customer Feedback: Have you received any notable feedback from your customers related to the improvements brought about by our product/service?
    • Employee Satisfaction: Have you observed any changes in employee satisfaction or morale as a result of using our product/service?

    Future Expectations and Recommendations

    • Future Needs: Are there any specific features or improvements you would like to see in our future product/service updates?
    • Recommendations: Based on your experience, what would be your recommendations for other businesses considering our product/service?
    • Long-Term Partnership: Are you considering a long-term partnership with our company? If yes, what are the key factors influencing this decision?
    • Scaling Possibilities: How do you envision our product/service accommodating your company’s growth and scaling needs in the future?
    • Final Thoughts: In hindsight, what advice would you give to other businesses in your industry considering similar solutions for their challenges?

    All these questions are intended to provide a rich narrative for your case study. However, it is essential to adapt and modify these questions based on your unique business context and customer experience. 

    By asking the right questions, you can craft compelling case studies that demonstrate the value of your product or service, resonate with potential customers, and ultimately drive business growth.

    How to Transform Customer Interview Answers into a Powerful Case Study

    Turning customer interview answers into a compelling case study isn’t as simple as copying and pasting responses. It’s about understanding your customer’s journey, showcasing their experiences, and presenting a story that resonates with your audience. 

    To create a captivating case study, you need to translate customer answers into a narrative that underlines the advantages of your products or services. 

    1. Identify the Problem: Identify the main problem your customer had before using your product or service. Use direct quotes for credibility.
    2. Highlight Solution: Detail how your product or service provided a solution. Use specifics, data, and statistics to demonstrate tangible benefits.
    3. Strong Conclusion: Summarize the customer’s journey and the positive outcomes achieved. Encourage readers to envision themselves in your customer’s shoes.

    You can learn more about how to craft a compelling story for your case study in this guide: Business Case Study: A Guide to Creating Captivating Customer Stories.


    In the dynamic realm of content marketing, customer interviews and case studies remain powerful tools. They amplify the voices of your customers and provide an authentic perspective of your products or services. The strength of a case study lies in the right customer interview questions. Ask questions that reveal the customer’s journey and the transformative power of your product.

    Creating relatable content connects you to your audience and alleviates their pain points. Real-life testimonials showcasing how your product or service resolves challenges are invaluable. Armed with these essential customer interview questions, it’s time to elevate your content marketing game.

    Explore how our writers can help you craft outstanding case studies during your WriterAccess free trial. Try it now!

    The post Essential Customer Interview Questions for Engaging Case Studies appeared first on Rock Content.

    Social Media Marketing for Contractors: 8 Simple Tips to Attract Clients Thu, 12 Oct 2023 14:49:00 +0000 Social media marketing is an essential part of attracting clients in any industry, including contracting. Here’s what you need to know about social media marketing for contractors to get started in the right direction.

    The post Social Media Marketing for Contractors: 8 Simple Tips to Attract Clients appeared first on Rock Content.

    Whether you’re a total social media addict or someone who could really do without it, it’s clear that social media is here to stay. As of 2023, social media is much more than just a way for people to keep up with friends or kill a little time when they’re standing in line for coffee.

    It’s also part of how consumers research important purchasing decisions and decide which service providers are ultimately right for them, so a robust social media presence is a must for any company looking to succeed in the digital age. This includes contracting businesses.

    Here, we’ll go over everything you need to know about social media marketing for contractors to drive traffic, attract clients, and boost your bottom line.

    Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms

    According to research, around 79 percent of American consumers had one or more active social media profiles as of 2019. Plus, most social media users follow at least one brand in addition to their friends and family.

    In other words, your future customers are on social media, and they use it to keep up with brands just like yours. They’re also likely to leverage it as a resource the next time they’re in the market for a contractor. However, it’s important to choose the right platform for connecting with them.

    1. Meet your audience where they live

    Considering who your clients are and how they like to use social media is a critical part of employing social media as a contractor.

    For example, is your contracting business a B2B operation? Then, LinkedIn could be a solid place to meet new clients. Are you looking to connect with a younger clientele? If so, take a closer look at TikTok.

    It’s also beneficial to at least consider using large, established platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram as a way to expand your reach and build brand awareness. Start with two or three different choices to maximize your efforts.

    2. Consider each platform’s function

    You’ll also want to familiarize yourself with the way each of your choices functions as a platform to ensure it aligns with your long-term social media goals.

    For example, Twitter and Facebook are terrific for communicating and engaging with clients in real time. Meanwhile, Instagram is all about visuals, YouTube is the place to be for videos, and so on.

    Building a Strong Social Media Profile

    Think of your social media profile as your company’s calling card. It’s the first thing many of your future clients will see when they decide to check out your services, so it should make as solid an impression as your website does. Here’s how to make sure it’s on point.

    3. Choose the right visual assets

    Brand consistency is crucial when it comes to savvy social media marketing for contractors, so choose visual assets like your profile picture and cover photo accordingly.

    It’s also a good idea to use the same profile picture across all of your social media accounts so that clients can easily recognize you. If you use your company logo, ensure it’s centered properly and isn’t cut off at the edges.

    4. Fill out all available fields

    Today’s consumers frequently go right to social media when researching potential service providers. Make sure the information they’re looking for is available by filling out your entire profile.

    Definitely include essentials like business hours, contact information, and a link to your website. But don’t sleep on details like your bio, interests, and so on. Remember to keep all information up to date on an ongoing basis.

    Content Strategies for Contractors

    Content is more than just an important part of digital marketing for contractors. It’s also the key to making a big splash on social media. Here are a few winning tips to keep in mind.

    5. Post regularly

    Optimal social media posting frequencies vary from one platform to the next, but regular posts are vital regardless of where you choose to set up shop.

    The average social media user checks their feeds multiple times each day, and regular posts increase the chance that they’ll see content from you the next time they check in. For that reason, aim to add a few new posts per day and space them a few hours apart.

    6. Post about a variety of topics

    The key to succeeding at social media marketing for contractors is to embrace creative ways to share information that your clients will find useful or entertaining. In other words, you want to avoid making every post yet another sales pitch.

    Yes, you should occasionally share information about specials or key services. But you should also make posts that address important questions and concerns people in the market for a contractor are likely to have.

    You can take your followers behind the scenes, chime in on current contracting trends, or showcase your company’s best before-and-after projects. Think outside the box and get creative.

    7. Hire freelancers to help

    Keeping up with a company website, blog, and multiple social media platforms is really too big a job to handle on your own in your spare time. Consider scaling your content production across all platforms by assembling a team of freelance writers.

    Experienced freelancers who are knowledgeable about your industry can help you affordably put together a content creation approach that really sets your contracting business apart.

    8. Engage your followers

    Social media provides brands across all industries with a unique chance to cultivate loyal, meaningful relationships with their customers. Take advantage of it by using your profiles to engage with those who show interest in your company.

    Encourage discussion by asking questions and responding to each person who takes the time to answer. Invite followers to participate in contests or create user-generated content. Be sure to respond promptly to messages, questions, and customer reviews, as well.


    Mastering social media marketing for contractors and making your profiles a genuine part of your distinct brand voice is key to attracting customers and driving business for your company. And the right content production team can help you nail just the right tone.

    Connect with some of the best and brightest copywriters and content creators out there when you start a free 14-day WriterAccess trial! You’ll love the way the right talent brings your brand to life.

    The post Social Media Marketing for Contractors: 8 Simple Tips to Attract Clients appeared first on Rock Content.

    4 Famous Rebranding Examples With Lessons Learned Wed, 11 Oct 2023 14:36:00 +0000 Rebranding is a smart way to stay relevant in today’s market, but it can also be damaging if not done well. Find out how four famous companies fared with their attempts.

    The post 4 Famous Rebranding Examples With Lessons Learned appeared first on Rock Content.

    Taking on the challenge of rebranding your business can end up being a hit or a miss, depending on how you go about it. It requires time and thought to get it right, and not all companies succeed.

    Just look at the extreme rebranding of Twitter recently. Is it a success, or will it be the end of the social media platform for good?

    Whether you plan to modify your company’s name, change your messaging, or redesign your logo or other element of your product or service, a good place to start is to learn through the experiences of other companies.

    To help you gain a glimpse of efforts that both succeed and fall short, below we provide four famous rebranding examples.

    Successful Case: Apple, Inc.

    Apple is one of the most valuable brands throughout the world, and the company’s rebranding helped its status in 1997. Prior to this time, Apple was synonymous with computers only.

    Rebranding strategies

    As if foretelling the future, the rebranding included a change to the name, removing the word “computer” and becoming simply Apple, Inc. This act alone removed any limitation placed on the company, allowing it to expand its offerings to other products.

    Around the same time, the company modified its logo, removing the various colors and giving it a more sophisticated and modern look. While the apple shape remained, it now “grew up,” so to speak, as one color.

    Positive outcomes and market responses

    With the rebranding, Apple could more readily develop new products to offer customers and continue building strong customer loyalty.

    New products soon found their way into the marketplace, including the iPod, iTunes iPhone, and iPad. As a result, Apple continued to gain market share while maintaining its reputation as a technology innovator.

    Lessons for marketers and brand owners

    By modifying the company’s name and logo, Apple successfully rebranded because consumers still knew them as specializing in technology. Now, however, they also saw them as innovative and creative, expanding into other markets.

    One of the biggest lessons here is that rebranding can be a way to help you enter other markets, expand your business, and continue building customer loyalty.

    Unsuccessful Case: Gap

    As an established clothing retailer, Gap sought to rebrand itself following the 2008 Financial Crisis, leading to a sales slump. The rebranding attempt centered on the creation of a new logo for the brand and, unfortunately, not much more.

    While the Gap logo had been in place for 20 years (1990-2010), the company felt a change would alert consumers that it was still relevant, modern, and even exciting again.

    It failed miserably.

    It only took a week for the brand to see their error, and they reverted to the tried-and-true logo of the past. As such, Gap experienced a failed rebranding strategy.

    Reasons behind the failure

    The approach failed because, to undergo a visual rebranding, Gap did not accompany the logo change with any other substantial change in strategy, such as its messaging.

    The company did not build up the reveal of a new logo, creating anticipation and curiosity, but instead simply made the change across all channels overnight.

    In other words, it didn’t tell consumers what they could expect with this new image they wished to project.

    The impetus for the logo redesign was more about falling sales than customer loyalty and brand recognition.

    Negative repercussions on brand image and customer loyalty

    Such an abrupt change in logo received a huge amount of negative backlash from customers.

    No other change — organizational, product, or otherwise — seemed to accompany the new logo, and, it not only confused customers but also made them angry. They felt cheated as the brand chose not to include them in the change beforehand.

    Social media became the center of the backlash, with negative reactions to the new logo and the brand itself.

    Lessons for marketers and brand owners

    Before making any changes, first evaluate the value of your brand. Gap failed to take into account the brand recognition it had built throughout the years.

    Your logo is a connecting element between your brand and consumers. When you make changes to it, be sure to accompany it with wider changes to your business and branding strategies. Otherwise, you risk damaging your reputation and alienating customers.

    Create messaging to go along with your rebrandingContent marketing is key to a successful launch of your new image.

    Finally, always stay aware of the power of social media. It doesn’t take long for things to go haywire on these platforms, so have a social media crisis management plan in place should you find yourself in a negative situation.

    Successful Case: Coca-Cola

    Coca-Cola hasn’t had just one rebranding but several throughout the years, so they know what works and what doesn’t.

    A brief history of Coca-Cola’s rebranding includes:

    • 1985: Introduction of a new Coke can, which is now iconic with the brand
    • 2001: A logo change, creating a more modern look.
    • 2005: Slight revision of their messaging, focusing more on happiness.
    • 2016: A refresh of the Coke logo with a new campaign called “Taste the Feeling” as a way to promote an emotional connection to the brand.
    • 2021: Introduction of the ‘One Brand’ strategy, helping customers to realize that all of their Coca-Cola brands (Coke Zero, Diet Coke, etc.) are enjoyable and as good as their signature product.

    All of the above were successful.

    The brand can be accredited with focusing on remaining relevant in an increasingly crowded beverage market and staying in tune with what occurs within the industry itself. All of these changes positively impacted consumer perception and sales.

    Key takeaways for marketers and brand owners

    A few key takeaways from Coca-Cola’s rebranding efforts include:

    • Create a connection with customers and make it emotional.
    • Refresh your messaging occasionally to reflect the current times.
    • Modify your logo at times to stay relevant and gain the attention of consumers.
    • Stay involved in your industry, paying attention to the latest trends, statistics, and happenings.

    Coca-Cola provides an example of how to maintain the value you have already created in your brand while still doing a refresh to attract more customers.

    Unsuccessful Case: PepsiCo’s Tropicana

    In 2009, the brand Tropicana, owned by PepsiCo, decided to replace the packaging design of its bestselling juice product, Tropicana Pure Premium orange juice. While the packaging redesign was accompanied by an advertising campaign with new messaging, it still failed.

    Design changes and consumer backlash

    The design changes were extreme, making the product almost unrecognizable to customers. It replaced the orange with a straw sticking out of it with a glass full of orange juice. There were also other changes, including in the logo design.

    Consumer backlash ensued. The brand received criticism from consumers almost instantly, especially on social media, and even rejection of its product.

    It soon became evident that the new packaging and accompanying advertising campaign were a failure. The company had no choice but to return to the original design.

    Financial impact and market share decline

    Prior to the attempted rebranding, Tropicana Pure Premium brought in annual sales revenues of over 700 million dollars. However, in the few months following that failed rebranding, sales dipped by 20%, resulting in a 30 million dollar loss for Tropicana.

    The brand’s competitors wasted no time swooping in and gaining customers and sales.

    Key issues for marketers and brand owners

    As a result of this failed attempt, there are several key issues to remain aware of when rebranding.

    • Consumers can have emotional connections with product appearance, so package design is important.
    • Avoid changing too many brand elements on packaging at the same time. Tropicana created a new logo, slogan, image, typography, and lid and applied them all at once, and confused customers.
    • Packaging sells the product in many instances, so make sure you include it as an essential part of the branding.

    Increase the Strength of Rebranding With the Right Content and Messaging

    Rebranding takes considerable resources, and getting each element right is essential to customer loyalty as well as your bottom line. You’ll need to accompany changes in name, logo design, packaging, and messaging with new content that speaks to the heart of your customers and captures the interest of potential new ones. That is where WriterAccess can help.

    Our professional writers understand how important branding is to your success and know how to create the content you need for your rebranding efforts. Find out more today by signing up for our free 14-day trial.

    The post 4 Famous Rebranding Examples With Lessons Learned appeared first on Rock Content.

    A Day in The Life of An SEO Expert at Rock Content: What Does an SEO Specialist Do? Wed, 11 Oct 2023 08:00:00 +0000 Picture this: someone lounging on the beach, casually glancing at their computer and shooting off a few emails. Well, that’s far from the daily grind of an SEO pro at Rock Content, or anywhere else for that matter! I’d love to spill all the beans about my job, but that’d be a whole ebook! So, […]

    The post A Day in The Life of An SEO Expert at Rock Content: What Does an SEO Specialist Do? appeared first on Rock Content.

    Picture this: someone lounging on the beach, casually glancing at their computer and shooting off a few emails.

    Well, that’s far from the daily grind of an SEO pro at Rock Content, or anywhere else for that matter!

    I’d love to spill all the beans about my job, but that’d be a whole ebook! So, let’s dive into the core tasks.

    Here’s a peek into the daily life of an SEO expert at Rock Content. Get ready for a fun ride!

    What Does an SEO Specialist Do In General?

    To start off, let’s delve into some of the tasks that SEO specialists typically handle. Here’s a list of 10 common responsibilities:

    • Keyword Research: Identifying relevant keywords to target in content and optimization efforts.
    • On-Page Optimization: Optimizing web pages, including meta tags, headings, and content, for search engines.
    • Content Creation: Developing high-quality, SEO-friendly content to improve rankings and engage audiences.
    • Link Building: Acquiring quality backlinks to boost a website’s authority and visibility.
    • Technical SEO: Enhancing website performance through tasks like improving site speed, mobile-friendliness, and schema markup.
    • Competitor Analysis: Studying competitors’ strategies and identifying opportunities for improvement.
    • Algorithm Updates: Staying informed about search engine algorithm changes and adapting strategies accordingly.
    • SEO Audits: Conducting comprehensive audits to identify and address issues affecting website ranking and performance.
    • Local SEO: Optimizing for local search to improve visibility for geo-specific queries and attract nearby customers

    But what about me?

    As you can see, an SEO professional usually does a lot. So, in this blog, I’ll delve into the core tasks that occupy my days. 

    You know, they are a real rollercoaster. 

    These tasks, and a bunch more, are sprinkled throughout the month, and fitting them all into a single day? Mission impossible!

    But hey, the title of this article is “A Day in The Life of An SEO Expert at Rock Content,” and I’m not one to break promises. 

    So, how about we get a little imaginative? Let’s envision a day that magically stretches to 176 hours – that’s about the average I put into work each month. 

    With limitless imagination, I can share more about my SEO routine. Buckle up!

    Keyword Research to Start The Day

    In charge of our blog’s evergreen content, my SEO teammate and I have a Slack channel where we brainstorm topic ideas. 

    We draw inspiration from competitors, keep tabs on sales discussions, and think about what our buyer persona would like to read. 

    When it’s time to plan our editorial calendar, I go into that channel and start thinking of keywords that relate to the topics we’ve added. 

    Then, I turn to SEMrush to check, for example, how hard it is to rank for these keywords (keyword difficulty), how many searches they generate (their search volume), and why people are searching for them (their search intent). 

    I also look for other related keywords and phrases we can use in our content.

    Another tool I find helpful is AnswerThePublic, which tells what questions people are asking about specific keywords.

    Besides, I rely on basic Google searches for insights. I pay close attention to the auto-complete suggestions that appear as I type, and the “People Also Ask” feature is another great resource. 

    All this helps me gain a better understanding of the questions our audience might have and work on answering them.

    With all this information, I plan out our editorial calendar and decide what content will be created.

    Content Creation and Management to Keep the Morning Going

    I might let you down a bit by saying that we don’t actually create most of our content. Although, we do create some, just like the very article you’re reading now.

    It would be quite a heavy lift to generate the current amount of content if we did it all in-house.

    Instead, we craft comprehensive content briefs and send them off to our trusted writers on WriterAccess.

    Read also: Rocking Content Scaling: Our Step-by-Step Process

    Hanging out on WriterAccess

    I won’t dive into the nitty-gritty of our content briefs’ creation process since there are a few articles on that (like this one), but I encourage you to learn more about it.

    Lately, the game has been changing with the launch of the AI Content Wizard, but the human touch is still essential.

    In our content marketplace, WriterAccess, I place orders and enjoy getting in touch with our talented writers.

    I provide feedback on each of their pieces and request revisions when the content doesn’t reach Rock Content’s quality standards. 

    Read also: 5 Ways to Utilize AI Content Wizard for Enhanced Campaigns

    Review and approve orders – WriterAccess

    WordPress time

    When the content looks good and needs just a few tweaks, I copy it to WordPress and dive into more on-page SEO techniques beyond keyword research. 

    This includes things like crafting metadata, incorporating/optimizing multimedia elements, checking keyword frequency, and reviewing the links within the content. 

    We use WordPress, and it’s handy because we can plug in tools like Yoast to get tips on improving readability and making the content more SEO-friendly. 

    Tools like these don’t handle everything on their own, though, and good SEO and linguistic knowledge are a must for any marketer who deals with content.

    Content editing on WordPress

    Content time travel

    In the world of SEO, simply publishing new content isn’t enough; we’ve got to give some love to the old stuff too. 

    Refreshing our older articles is a way of showing our readers that we’re committed to providing them with top-notch content.

    And it’s not just about making our readers happy; it’s also about staying relevant and meeting our audience’s search intent to rank higher on the SERP. Honestly, I find this task quite enjoyable. 

    It’s like a treasure hunt, where I spot areas that need improvement, add fresh insights, fact-check, and enhance grammar and readability.

    I won’t lie, doing a full makeover on an article can be time-consuming. There was one time when I invested a solid five hours revamping an article from 2016. I couldn’t help but wonder if starting from scratch might have been quicker.

    To save time, we’ve got a trick up our sleeves: quick wins. These are mini-makeovers that take no more than an hour. 

    I typically focus on polishing the metadata, refining grammar, optimizing keyword usage and images, and adding new CTAs that align with our current strategy.

    Our efforts in refreshing content have been paying off. Just take a look below. When we compare the traffic stats of an article before and after a full update or quick win, the results are exciting. 

    A whopping 529.59% increase in traffic is definitely worth the few minutes to a few hours we invest.

    Quick wins and updates

    Some SEO Auditing After Lunch

    Fixing problems is my specialty, as you already know. Isn’t it satisfying to see broken things come back to life?

    Besides the content issues mentioned in the previous section, as part of our routine, we tackle more technical aspects such as:

    • Duplicate Content: Identify and resolve duplicate content issues within the site.
    • Crawl Errors: Address crawl errors like broken links and 404 pages.
    • Mobile Friendliness: Ensure the site is responsive and mobile-friendly.
    • Schema Markup: Implement structured data to enhance rich snippets in search results.
    • URL Structure: Check and optimize URL structure for SEO-friendliness.
    • Robots.txt File: Review and optimize the robots.txt file for proper indexing.
    • Canonical Tags: Implement canonical tags to address duplicate content issues.
    • Content Gaps: Identify gaps in content and develop a content strategy to fill them.

    Lately, my teammates and I have been dedicating extra time to addressing indexation problems, particularly 404 errors.

    Google Search Console indexation issues

    It occurs when a user or search engine attempts to access a web page that doesn’t exist or has been removed, resulting in a “page not found” error. 

    If not fixed, it can negatively impact a site’s crawlability and overall SEO performance. To address this, we implemented hundreds of redirects.

    Redirects to fix 404 errors

    What About Some Metrics For Snack?

    As an SEO expert, I must be best friends with Google Analytics and Google Search Console (at the very least).

    There’s no room for guessing games. Marketers in general need to rely on data to plan their next steps.

    Some of the data I keep an eye on include:

    • Our blog traffic in relation to monthly and quarterly goals.
    • The performance of new articles in terms of traffic.
    • Traffic performance following updates and quick wins.
    • The number of sessions by North American users (the market we’re targeting).
    • The number of conversions (users who clicked on WriterAccess’ trial link) and the pages they came from.
    • Keyword behavior (new, lost, improved, and declined keywords’ volume and quality).
    • Our top-performing pages.
    • Sessions and trials originating from backlinks.

    We share and discuss them in monthly meetings where we plan the next steps.


    Replying to Partners as The Sun Goes Down

    Contact outreach is an integral part of my routine at Rock Content. 

    I won’t lie, most of the time, partners come to us seeking collaborations, and I spend a significant portion of my time researching and responding to their emails.

    Some have already partnered with Rock Content in the past and email us to request new collaborations, as is the case with HubSpot:

    Email from partner

    Under these circumstances, it’s a no-brainer. We are aware of their reputation, are used to link to their content and the collaboration flows smoothly.

    On the other hand, lots of unknown SEO specialists slide into our DMs, all like, “Hey, wanna trade links?” Well, that’s when we put on our detective hats and get down to business!

    First things first, we gotta make sure they’re not up to any sneaky link-building schemes. Then, we check out their domain – does it have some serious authority? Is their content vibing with ours? Do we have some common interests in the keyword department? 

    There are cases where we come across websites that are entirely unfamiliar to us. For example, we recently had a link-building proposal for a blog we couldn’t gather data about, and their website authority scores fell below the threshold (<40).

    In this case, I reply to their emails thanking them for reaching out and explaining that their domain doesn’t meet our criteria for link exchange. It’s not personal, it’s just a matter of maintaining our standards and quality in the link-building process.

    The process for guest post exchanges follows a similar pattern but tends to be more time-consuming. 

    It starts with identifying the best partners, using criteria similar to link building but with a bit more rigor. 

    Then, we craft content for another blog according to their specific guidelines and patiently await their review and publication.

    Guest post emailed to partner

    In our case, we adhere to the same process. However, it’s not uncommon for us to receive guest articles that aren’t aligned with our guidelines. As a result, our review process tends to be more demanding.

    A Cup of Coffee With My Teammates

    Our daily routines might seem pretty alike, but you know how it is—everyone’s got their own take. 

    So, I went ahead and asked my colleagues this: “What’s a regular workday like for you as an SEO pro at Rock Content?” Here’s what they shared:

    “Usually, I spend the mornings conducting keyword research and creating content while my mind is still fresh. Once my engines are running, I take some time to analyze our weekly results and figure out what is working and what needs improvement. A few technical tasks might also pop up here and there, such as addressing issues flagged by Google Search Console. Although SEO is all about consistency and routine, our days at Rock Content are very dynamic. We’re constantly collaborating with teams like Growth and Product, to better understand user search intent and experience, and align those to our business goals.” Júlia Araújo.

    “My routine typically involves checking Analytics numbers in the morning, assessing the week’s tasks, and establishing task priorities. Although we have a very constant routine with our editorial calendar, sometimes SEO news arises – like Google updates, for example, and I need to take a look at these points, discuss, analyze, and share them with the team. So, in short, the routine is made up of many tasks, but my days are never exactly the same thing.” Diana Martins.

    Júlia brought up something really important: collaborating with other teams. This is indeed a big deal for us, and it often leads to some great results.

    For instance, let me tell you about this checklist I put together with the growth team. They were in charge of creating the landing page for downloading the material, and they used some savvy email marketing tricks to promote it.

    Guess what happened? We got a whopping 740 downloads in just one month and 8 MQLs. How cool is that?

    Diana also pointed out the need to stay in the loop with the latest news that can have an impact on our work (and believe me, they do from time to time). She even wrote about Google’s most recent core update that rolled out last month.

    A Few Remarks Before I Clock Out

    The clock is ticking, and it’s almost time for me to call it a day. I hope you’ve had fun delving into a day in the life of an SEO expert at Rock Content.

    If you’re also part of this exciting field, I’m curious to know if our routines align. 

    And if you’re considering diving into the world of SEO, I hope this article has sparked some inspiration or at least shed some light on whether this path is your cup of tea or not.

    Just a quick reminder: this wasn’t a step-by-step tutorial, and I apologize if that’s what you were expecting. But hey, no hard feelings, right? I never promised a tutorial in the first place.

    One thing I almost forgot to mention is that, apart from our usual tasks, we SEO professionals at Rock Content occasionally get the chance to shine in webinars or create videos for social media.

    It’s a fantastic opportunity to put ourselves out there and our knowledge to the test.

    Before I bid adieu, I want to stress the significance of teamwork and collaboration. It’s a big deal here at Rock Content, and as SEO experts, we can’t do it alone.

    And let’s not forget WriterAccess, the unsung hero that simplifies our lives. By the way, if your company could use a smoother content production process, I invite you to give it a spin with a free 14-day trial.

    Well, that’s a wrap, folks! No overtime today.

    The post A Day in The Life of An SEO Expert at Rock Content: What Does an SEO Specialist Do? appeared first on Rock Content.
